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Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes
Tischler-/Schreinermeister - Cabinet maker - Death/Black Metal - Nihilist (supposedly)- half #Caboverdian/half German -
550 followers968 following982 posts
Reposted by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

📺 In der zweiten Folge der 10-teiligen Webserie “Erfahrungswerte I: das EU-Kolumbien-Peru-Ecuador Abkommen” gehen wir der Frage nach, welche Folgen bereits aktive Handelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Ländern Südamerikas auf Frauen* haben:

¡BASTA! - Folge 2: Erfahrungswerte I: das EU-Kolumbien-Peru-Ecuador Abkommen
¡BASTA! - Folge 2: Erfahrungswerte I: das EU-Kolumbien-Peru-Ecuador Abkommen

YouTube video by PowerShift e.V.

Reposted by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

Israel kills 105 Lebanese. In the early hours of Monday, local media outlets reported an Israeli strike in the Kola bridge area in the heart of Beirut. The bombing is Israel’s first attack within the city limits since the start of the hostilities & will be seen as another escalation of the conflict.

Reposted by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

Salute to the person who grabbed an archive of this J Post article before J Post deleted it. "Greater Israel" cult justifies taking Lebanon. “The Torah provides clear guidelines regarding the areas we were commanded to conquer when taking possession of the land”

Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised
The Torah verses convey profound messages that we can insightfully extract for
our daily lives. Rabbi Shay Tahan, the Rosh Kollel of Shaarei Ezra in Brooklyn, NY,
graciously opens the gates to understand them.
The recent conflict in Lebanon raises the age-old question regarding the
northern borders of biblical Eretz Yisrael. Where exactly did Hashem define the
boundaries, and are we obligated to conquer those areas? Do the mitzvot of
terumah and ma’aser apply to those lands as part of Eretz Yisrael, or are they
considered outside the borders?
The Torah provides clear guidelines regarding the areas we were commanded to
conquer when taking possession of the land.
In the last generation, the term "Greater Israel" has come to the forefront. It is
sometimes used in political or religious discussions about the ideal or future
borders of Israel, often in the context of messianic or Zionist aspirations. Some

I think it also helps (although altering the taste, but IMHO not in a bad way), if you roast the herbs long enough in a high enough temperature in the oven. That’s how I do it.

Reposted by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

Israel assassinated 3 PFLP members in an apartment in Cola in Beirut. It’s a civilian neighborhood. There are NGOs, universities, & embassies nearby. Clothing stores, restaurants, & pharmacies line the streets. People thought this area was relatively safe; displaced came to stay here. Source: AJ

Screenshot from Al-Jazeera news feed. Photo shows a blocky concrete residential high rise with balconies that stretch along the front of each apartment. The sixth floor appears to be blown out, with damage visible above and below. A firefighter and a resident are looking at the building.
Screenshot from Al-Jazeera feed. Article reads: “There has been an air strike in the Kola intersection here in Beirut.” The piece emphasizes that the strike was in Beirut proper, in an area that is a transit hub. It emphasizes that this is a civilian neighborhood with shops and markets.

Ryan Wilson is an arrogant piece of shit.


You arrogant piece of shit.

Reposted by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

Want to be entered into a draw for a free copy of our debut album on CD? Just comment on this post and I'll put your name in the draw!

Reposted by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

Max, Anya, and Aaron on the energy-sucking demon's (Netanyahu's) 7 front existential war and the West's attempt to control the core minerals, oil, and trade routes of the Middle East.

Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Anya Parampil on the Grayzone Live, screenshot shows maps of southern Lebanon
Reposted by Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

The terror bombing of Beirut is still ongoing. Apparently the previous rounds of bombing that killed Nasrallah and dozens of civilians have made Israel so safe that they’re still bombing Beirut to make Israel even safer.

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Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes
Tischler-/Schreinermeister - Cabinet maker - Death/Black Metal - Nihilist (supposedly)- half #Caboverdian/half German -
550 followers968 following982 posts