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Robin L Turner
Mostly a reskeeter. tradition, gender, land tenure, and resource politics in Southern Africa
394 followers535 following120 posts

This is the Lower Ed Tressie's book foresaw. It never was just about for-profit insts. It was about what happens to *all* insts when the profit motive became too dominant. Heck, just compare the high-pressure marketing tactics in her book to this article. Gift link.

Students Paid Thousands for a Caltech Boot Camp. Caltech Didn’t Teach It.
Students Paid Thousands for a Caltech Boot Camp. Caltech Didn’t Teach It.

Hundreds of universities have lent their names to online programs, plugging budgets but alienating students who feel misled.


The thing that makes me angriest as an educator is that it's not so much a "failure" (implies accidental omission) as it is a tactical move to keep students ignorant of our history. Texas & Florida, noted for "anti-woke" stances, dominate a big part of the textbook market & determine content.


I think those phrases work because America is HUGE and we all have very different history teachers and texts, so those phrases will inevitably ring true for *someone* on social media. ...and creators noticed you get higher engagement when you say those things.


There’s actually something missing here: universities take student protests seriously as security threats and respond to them not as social justice actions, or civil disobedience, but as the work of violent bad actors. This becomes evident in universities’ responses to protests over the last decade.


Muhlenberg College of Rabbis intervenes in an intra-religious dispute among Jews over Zionism to pick which sect's beliefs constitute divine revelation, and hence to squash their employee's freedom of religion.Muhlenberg College of Rabbis intervenes in an intra-religious dispute among Jews over Zionism to pick which sect's beliefs constitute divine revelation, and hence to squash their employee's freedom of religion.


Student mobilization around Gaza was countered by (a) large donor mobilization against the students and (b) targeted congressional hearings. The modern American university system, after decades of defunding higher ed, is MUCH more attuned to the will of Bill Ackman et al than of the student body.


Nate Silver mansplaining what is political science to the sitting President of the Society for Political Methodology is *chef's kiss*.


According to WashPo, the main munitions used in the Haret Hreik strike were US-made BLU-109s (2000 lbs). They're a form of "bunker buster" designed to penetrate hardened structures. Remember that many people were likely vaporized by the explosions, so won't be represented in casualty counts.

Israel likely used U.S.-made 2,000-pound bombs in Nasrallah strike, visuals show
Israel likely used U.S.-made 2,000-pound bombs in Nasrallah strike, visuals show

Videos shared by the IDF show fighter jets they say were involved in the Nasrallah operation carrying BLU-109s, an American-made 2,000-pound munition.

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Robin L Turner
Mostly a reskeeter. tradition, gender, land tenure, and resource politics in Southern Africa
394 followers535 following120 posts