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Thanks for sharing 😃. By the looks of it GrapheneOS has no serious competition 🤔 Thanks for sharing 😃. By the looks of it GrapheneOS has no serious competition 🤔


"Meta's smart glasses instantly identify strangers". The use of "dox" is prejudicial and manipulative. I disapprove of facebook's other uses of that data, but I appreciate having the information, and I can't see anything wrong with my obtaining information about who else is in the room with me.

A new bit of Tolkien silliness, as I fight off the blues today. "Communiqué from the Tourist Office for the Barrow Downs" - hope you enjoy, et al....

Communiqué from the Tourist Office for the Barrow Downs

To all Barrow Wights,

A number of incidents have come to our attention involving unprofessional staff behaviour toward visitors. The Tourist Office for the Barrow Downs is therefore issuing this reminder to all Barrow Wights:

1) Visitors on the Barrow Downs are welcome guests. DO NOT KIDNAP them. (This should not need to be said!)

2) While some visitors will be thrilled to see inside your tomb, please avoid any of the following:

a) kidnapping (as mentioned above)
b) putting visitors in a deep sleep
c) changing their clothes to those of ancient kings while asleep 
d) laying them on an altar with a sword across their necks
e) manifesting as an arm with no body attached and walking on your fingers (this is not The Addams Family Experience)
f) definitely NO kidnapping

3) Fog: remember, if you intend to use the fog machine, this should be only for effect. Strangers do not to actually get lost.
4) As a supplementary: DO NOT lure visitors with voices in the fog: it will cause alarm.

5) Saying you “weren’t kidnapping them, you just couldn’t work out the control knob on the fog machine” and “I was just trying out my voices” will no longer be accepted as a reason for luring visitors into fog. This contravenes too many Health and Safety Rules.

6) Bear in mind at all times that you have a wealth of interesting historical information to impart. Visitors want to be amazed and entertained. Most do not enjoy kidnapping.

7) “Do not kidnap me” means someone does not want to be kidnapped. Only a few in a few Special Exceptions and on Rare Occasions does “Do not kidnap me” mean “Do kidnap me”.
8) Special Exceptions and Rare Occasions:

a) You may kidnap someone if they have filled out a consent form. (This is only applicable on adult role-playing nights.)
b) You may put visitors in a deep sleep on adult role-playing nights provided the necessary box is ticked. (You may not tick the box yourself)
c) Adorning sleeping guests in ancient king’s clothes on adult role-playing nights is allowed.
d) Similarly, laying guests on an altar with a sword across their necks is allowed.
e) Severed limbs are allowed to walk during adult role-playing nights.
f) Please remember: the safe word is “Tom Bombadil”.

Barrow Wights who infringe these rules will face disciplinary action. Three marks on your file will be escalated to me.

Mrs Goldberry. 

(Img is a 17th C engraving of the Rollright Stones, Devon, handcoloured, depicting standing stones in a field with visitors)

I did just now. 👍 What is so special about this relay? I did just now. 👍 What is so special about this relay?

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