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Social media lurker, twitter-flykting, he/him. Empathy should be a mandatory subject I school
41 followers97 following209 posts
Reposted by Luftguran

"Antingen gÄr elevernas rÀttigheter först. DÄ fÄr budget anpassas efter barnens behov, vilket förutsÀtter att staten tar ett större ansvar. Eller sÄ gÄr budgeten först. DÄ mÄste lagen Àndras sÄ att ambitionsnivÄn kan anpassas efter tillgÄngen pÄ resurser".

Ledare: En budget i balans kan faktiskt vara viktigare Àn att barnen klarar skolan
Ledare: En budget i balans kan faktiskt vara viktigare Àn att barnen klarar skolan

Dagens rektorer sitter i en stÀndig rÀvsax. Det Àr oschysst att varken lÄtsas om det, eller ge dem en vÀg ut.

Reposted by Luftguran

A pretty comprehensive article on how often AI art infringes on copyright protected material. And specifically, how likely it is that generated art is a near 1:1 copy of something you're just not familiar with

 everyone knows what Mario looks Iike. But nobody would recognize Mike Finklestein’s wildlife photography. So when you say “super super sharp beautiful beautiful photo of an otter leaping out of the water” You probably don’t realize that the output is essentially a real photo that Mike stayed out in the rain for three weeks to take. "

What’s your “No one but me remembers” game?


Ibland tÀnker jag att det Àr en svÄr kombo av igenkÀnnande och skillnader. Man blir glad nÀr man kÀnner igen sig i en person, men det behövs skillnader för att det ska bli spÀnnande. OcksÄ ögon.


TÀnkte samma sak nÀr jag fick höra att pappor som lyssnar pÄ Taylor Swift med sina barn Àr ute... Sitter i bilen med min dotter och sjunger "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate" för fulla halsar

Reposted by Luftguran

One challenge here is that there is a professional norm across most of the American press against calling a lie a lie. Journalists at The New York Times especially have been using increasingly baroque euphemisms to deal with this. My favorite so far is "revived an inaccurate refrain."

Reposted by Luftguran

SadĂ© is releasing a new song as part of the “Transa” benefit album. This is the rare news post where every new paragraph made me go "what? wow" in good ways. Andre 3000 is on this project too, and the lead is an I Would Die 4 U cover Lauren Auder + Wendy & Lisa. 46 tracks

Sade to Release First New Song in Years as Part of Transgender Awareness Compilation
Sade to Release First New Song in Years as Part of Transgender Awareness Compilation

Sade will release her first song in years as part of transgender awareness compilation 'Transa,' arriving on Nov. 22.

Reposted by Luftguran

Ni har tolv minuter pÄ er att starta filmen nu.


De verkar ha Àndrat instÀllningarna. Förut fanns "Visa inlÀgg frÄn folk du inte följer om de innehÄller minst N svar frÄn folk du följer" SÄ kunde man vÀlja hur mÄnga man tyckte behövdes. Jag pillade lite och stannade pÄ fem

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Social media lurker, twitter-flykting, he/him. Empathy should be a mandatory subject I school
41 followers97 following209 posts