Robot | dad | real life troll | paper folder | myth | fighting conditioning - He/him
8 followers38 following32 posts

1. Tayto 2. Tayto 3. Tayto 4. Tayto 5. Tayto 6. Tayto 7. Tayto 8. Tayto (they’re an Irish chip/crisp and delish as a Tayto sandwich)

Reposted by NotJustABob

Solar Protons

Reposted by NotJustABob

One of the responses this thread (on the Bad Place) got, a few times, ran roughly "if magic is common, magicians become engineers" or variations of that theme - the assumption that magic would be rapidly systematized by fictional pre-modern societies. And I don't think this is right. 1/

A tweet of mine from Twitter discussing magic systems, it reads, "One of the substantial errors, in my mind, in fantasy writing, is the idea that 'magic' has to be forced to follow either 1) a parallel system of physics or 2) a logical rules-based system.

I'd argue instead that magic systems ought to be *thematically relevant* & *consistent.*"
Reposted by NotJustABob

“Why didn’t the Eagles just fly Frodo and Sam to Mount Doom? What you have to remember is that at that point they’re barely talking to each other, Glen Frey and Don Felder are fighting on stage and Don Henley is ready to walk away from the band, they’re constantly touring, THEY DON’T HAVE TIME!!

Reposted by NotJustABob

And this is Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence, which, in my opinion, is easily the greatest Scottish poem ever written about Batman...

Batman’s aff his nut
Have you seen the way he cuts aboot
Dressed up as a mad fuckin bat
Batterin guys
I was lit at:
“Mate, I’m worried aboot ye
I know your ma and da died
But everybody’s ma and da dies
And we’re no aw runnin aboot
Hookin muggers and
Kickin psychopaths in the baws.”
And that was when Batman went
“Aye, but do ye ever feel like it?
Do you ever look at the world and feel like it?
Like having a big mad base under your hoose?
Do you ever feel like drivin a big mad motor
that turns intae a tank?
And leatherin fuck oot of guys aw night?
Scarin the fuckin shite oot of them?”
And that’s when I was lit at:
“Aye. Fuck it. Ah dae.”
And that’s the Secret Origin of Robin
And everyone else.

Decline Borg cookies

Reposted by NotJustABob

This popped up on my phone and I reflexively flushed my stash

Screenshot of Spotify playlist: “This is The Police”
Reposted by NotJustABob

When Mulberry burst into the room singing, “Chiquitita, tell me what’s wrong?” therapists told her exactly what was wrong: her autism. “My next song was, I Do, I Do, I Do,” Mulberry explained. “Unfortunately, they took that as verbal consent to start the session.”

Autistic Swedish pop fan accidentally signs up for ABA
Autistic Swedish pop fan accidentally signs up for ABA

A lifelong lover of the band ABBA has mistakenly signed up for a course of Applied Behaviour Anaylsis, it has been reported. When autistic woman Paula Mulberry, 32, arrived at We Don’t Care Therapy Ce...


A mysterious drifter who also does Flash Gordon?

Reposted by NotJustABob

The soft-serve ice cream machine is my favorite kind of 3D printer.

Robot | dad | real life troll | paper folder | myth | fighting conditioning - He/him
8 followers38 following32 posts