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as a Big Nerd I have to tell you I went to Mendel’s abbey to look at his peas but the most notable part is actually the little hats he made for his microscopes

Brass microscope in mendel‘s bedroom with a silly little fur hat on it
Mendel’s other brass microscope with a silly little hat on it, this one has a tassel

My husband got it right away! Now I did say it out loud to him which might have helped!!


So maybe an item to wait for!! Thanks for the heads up!


Happy birthday! (The dragon torc looks pretty cool! I showed my 12 year old and I think we may be looking for one soon!)


First, I think I would actually be scared of a candidate met my exact wishes. Second, punishing a candidate who is way closer to your values and moves the discourse of the country in your direction because that candidate won't do everything you want seems way counter productive.

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Check out this 1997 platform from a group called "The National Party." Much of this probably sounds familiar these days. One hitch though...

1. Reform Immigration Policies - Control the border, end availability of government programs for aliens, punish businesses that hire illegals and eliminate economic incentives for immigra-tion. Allow immigration of those who are compatible with the American national character.
3. Reduce Federal Tax Burden - Work to reduce the excessive tax burden for all Americans. Reduce federal spending and have sensible foreign aid policies.
4. Support the Right to Keep and Bear Arms - Reaffirm the right and eliminate the prohibitions of law abid-
ing citizens to own firearms as the Constitutional founders intended.
5. Increase School Choice - Recognizing that educational institutions play both an educational and moral development role, establish standards of proficiency while permitting increased school choice and freedom.
6. Uphold the Family as the Basic Societal Institution - Eliminate government-imposed hardship against the traditional family structure and create incentives and benefits for the family as a child-rearing and uniting institution between man and woman.
8. Reform American Politics - Bring about realistic reform in the areas of campaign financing, lobbying, the legal system, and the size and structure of government. Get big money out of politics and make the system more responsive to the people. Decentralize government and get the power back to the states and communities.
9. Promote Nationalist Economic Policies - Stop transferring national sovereignty to international organiza-tions; utilize sensible trade policies to keep jobs in America and the prices of goods low; protect wages against undercutting by foreign sweatshops; promote corporate responsibility; and put the interests of American workers and business ahead of all others.
10. Reaffirm the American Nation - Put an end to forced integration and government
culturalism. Uphold America as an integral and indivisible part of Western Civilization and defend its unique heritage and identity.

Jelena gets this perfectly. It's very simple.

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Yeah. I had to stop at "in my weaker moments, all of it makes me want to go home and watch a bunch of Ben Shapiro videos." I'm an ex-Republican and I thought I was following his logic, even if I didn't completely agree, but he lost me at this. Who in their right mind chooses to watch Ben?


This is the problem.

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