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Sascha Brune
Earth Sciences ¡ Geodynamics ¡ Modelling ¡ GFZ Potsdam ( ¡ Uni Potsdam (
160 followers157 following14 posts
Reposted by Sascha Brune

The past IS the key to the future. Fantastic effort - 485 million years of global temperature correlating with atmospheric CO2 in this new paper by Judd and others . 🧪⚒️

Top panel shows two black wiggly lines going up and down in parallel- one is CO2 the other is global temperature.  They cover the last 485 million years. Panel on the bottom left shows a x-plot of CO2 vs Global Temperature- the data are beautifully correlated implying an Earth System Sensitivity of around 8 oC per CO2 doubling.  Not sure what the figure in the bottom right panel shows but it looks cool!
Reposted by Sascha Brune

🆕 🔔 New paper published in TEKTONIKA: "3D Interaction of Tectonics and Surface Processes Explains Fault Network Evolution of the Dead Sea Fault" by Esther L. Heckenbach et al. from GFZ Potsdam. ⚒️ 🧪

Screenshot showing the title of the published paper and the author's list
Screenshot showing the abstract of the published paper
Reposted by Sascha Brune

Woohoo, 25 follows more \o/ Thus, 5 more facts (the challenge was 1 fact per 5 more follows). Let's stay with gravity & the "Potsdam Potato". For newbies & as a refreshment for our longstanding followers: The link shows the Potsdam Potato, a model of Earth's gravity: 1/n

Geoid 2013
Geoid 2013

YouTube video by Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum


⚒️ How different are back-arc rifts from intra-continental rifts? ⚒️ Find out in our

16:00 Geoffroy Mohn (Cergy-Pontoise, France)
“Breakup of marginal seas and differences from Atlantic-type margins”

16:20 Helene-Sophie Hilbert (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre, Kiel, Germany)
“From symmetric to asymmetric spreading – a seismic tomography study of the central Mariana Trough”

16:40 Armagan Kaykun (University of Toronto, Canada) 
“Structural evolution of the Black Sea Basin using sectioned computational models"
Reposted by Sascha Brune

It's summer in the N hemisphere, take advantage of it to read Tektonika v.2-1 : ⚒️

Screenshot of Tektonika web site showing the cover of volume 2 issue 1 and its publication date of 19 August 2024

Thanks for leading this effort,! And for involving me. 😀

Reposted by Sascha Brune

Another five followers, wow. So the challenge continues (for every 5 followers a random fact). Today: How diamonds reach the Earth’s surface. First, as most of you will probably know: diamonds are “baked” from carbon under extreme conditions 1/5

Reposted by Sascha Brune

📢 Paper alert! Are you into rifting? Check out our new study in Geology: we explore the delayed impact of mantle-controlled deformation during early-stage rifting by combining data from the NE Atlantic & analog tectonic models 😃 Paper:

Distribution of rifts and sedimentary basins in the Northeast Atlantic domain in Late Jurassic times (145 Ma). CG—Central Graben; EGR—East Greenland Rift; HB—Hammerfest Basin; GGF—Great Glen Fault; HBF—Highland Boundary Fault; HFZ—Hardangerfjord Fault Zone; HT—Halten Terrace; IMF—Inner Moray Firth; MF—Moray Firth; MT—Moine thrust; MTFZ— Møre-Trøndelag Fault Zone; OMF—Outer Moray Firth; PB—Porcupine Basin; TZ—Tornquist Zone; VG—Viking Graben; WBF—Walls Boundary Fault. Modified after Skogseid et al. (2000), Coward et al. (2003), Erratt et al. (2010), and Schiffer et al. (2020). Inset shows main rift corridors during the Late Jurassic (150 Ma). D—Denmark; Fin—Finland; Ger—Germany; Ir—Ireland; NL— Netherlands; No—Norway; Pol—Poland; Por—Portugal; Swe—Sweden; UK—United Kingdom. Modified after Peacock (2004).
Overview of set-up and results from key analogue models from Zwaan et al. (2022) showing the impact of coupling between mantle and upper crust on rift basin evolution. (A) 3-D sketch of model set-up. (B) Top view sketch show- ing the orientations of the velocity discontinuity (VD), representing mantle inheritance, and seeds (S), representing crustal inheritance, in models B3 and B5. (θs = obliquity of seeds, θVD = obliquity of VD). (C) Cross-section sketch of model layer- ing and seed location, of which the natural proto- type is shown in (D). (E) Maximum normal strain (indicating active normal faulting) and topography analysis of models B3 and B5. The models under- went a shift from low to high coupling (as a result of increasing divergence velocity), leading to the initial development of crustal structures, con- trolled by the crustal inheritances, that are subsequently overprinted by a phase of mantle- controlled deformation. d—VD displacement.
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Sascha Brune
Earth Sciences ¡ Geodynamics ¡ Modelling ¡ GFZ Potsdam ( ¡ Uni Potsdam (
160 followers157 following14 posts