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Former embalmer, current med student.
130 followers158 following545 posts

Every 4 years the media is shocked to discover that Hispanics are not a monolithic voting bloc, that large numbers of them are socially conservative and/or very religious, and that the GOP manages to capture a decent chunk of the Hispanic vote every election cycle, despite the GOP's flagrant racism.

Poll: Democrats' advantage with Latino voters continues to shrink
Poll: Democrats' advantage with Latino voters continues to shrink

Harris leads Trump nationally among Latinos, 54% to 40%, but Democrats’ edge is at its lowest level in the last four presidential cycles.

Reposted by Adipocere
Reposted by Adipocere

say what you will about gustav holst that mother fucker knew exactly what planets sound like

Reposted by Adipocere

If you're upset by art not being damaged in protest against climate change, I can only imagine how furious you'll be at the actual damage to art caused by climate change.

Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News
Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News

The Rothko Chapel, which features murals by painter Mark Rothko, will close after sustaining damage during Hurricane Beryl.

Reposted by Adipocere

As someone with a math major and a physical chemistry grad degree, lmao. Bodies are the version of physics that are not solvable. The fact that you can’t do the math is the thing that makes them hard. Some doctors result to platitudes, and they suck. That’s why the platitude machine is useless.

Reposted by Adipocere

‘Just checking in to see how things are going over on tw—‘

Screenshot of a tweet saying that training to be a doctor should take no longer than two years because ‘it’s all memorisation not technically difficult stuff like maths or physics’
A screenshot of a discussion about LLMs ‘solving’ medicine. A user asks ‘let me know when the LLM can respect my pancreatic tumour.’ A reply; ‘it maybe can’t resect it, but it can give you instructions on how to have a family member help resect it for you.’
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Former embalmer, current med student.
130 followers158 following545 posts