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Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies
🥄 Medical Hot Mess with too many acronyms 🦓 Book lover • ARC reviewer • Monster romance enthusiast • Writer • Geology & Climate Science nerd • Still Masking 😷 🌈 Queer AF | she/they
163 followers354 following257 posts

I haven’t had the spoons to do my pretty graphics but here is another ARC review for y’all — one I highly recommend the entire series of ♥️ Rabble: End Game by C. Rochelle is the final installment of the Villainous Things series

Cas ✨’s review of Rabble: End Game
Cas ✨’s review of Rabble: End Game

5 Stars: All good things must come to an end... (kinda) 🥲 (And by kinda, I mean our goddess of smut is going to deliver to us more spin-offs and bonus material, so it is not over-over yet!!) I've ...


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Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies
🥄 Medical Hot Mess with too many acronyms 🦓 Book lover • ARC reviewer • Monster romance enthusiast • Writer • Geology & Climate Science nerd • Still Masking 😷 🌈 Queer AF | she/they
163 followers354 following257 posts