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Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies
🥄 Medical Hot Mess with too many acronyms 🦓 Book lover • ARC reviewer • Monster romance enthusiast • Writer • Geology & Climate Science nerd • Still Masking 😷 🌈 Queer AF | she/they
163 followers354 following257 posts

I haven’t had the spoons to do my pretty graphics but here is another ARC review for y’all — one I highly recommend the entire series of ♥️ Rabble: End Game by C. Rochelle is the final installment of the Villainous Things series

Cas ✨’s review of Rabble: End Game
Cas ✨’s review of Rabble: End Game

5 Stars: All good things must come to an end... (kinda) 🥲 (And by kinda, I mean our goddess of smut is going to deliver to us more spin-offs and bonus material, so it is not over-over yet!!) I've ...

Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

A look at what's releasing this week! If you have a book you need added to the calendar, you can submit it here:

Releases Week of 9/15. Sept 15 Devoted Destruction by Elle M Drew, Trench Tactics by Dalia Davies; Sept 16 Lavender Smoke by Kayla Darkwood; Sept 17 (Audio) Hunted By The Alien Assassin by Ella Maven
Releases Week of 9/15. Sept 19 A Yulean Sister's Guide to Getting Married by L. E. Eldridge, His Mate By Vengeance by Mel Aitchess; Sept 21 Autumn by Katryna Lalock The Orc's Second Shot At Love by S.C. Principale
Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

A look at what's releasing this week! If you have a book you need added to the calendar, you can submit it here:

Releases Week of 9/1. Sept 1 Indigo by Kyla Breene, Treasured by the Alien Rogue by Ava Ross; Sept 2 Mated to My Ex by Kate Prior; Sept 3 (Audio) A Collection of Monstrous Short Stories by Lily Mayne
Releases Week of 9/1. Sept 3 (Audio) The Alien's Charge by Ella Maven, Immortal Dark by Tigest Girma, Ophelia's Vampire by Leigh Miller, Summoning my Grumpy Demon Boss by Ami Wright
Releases Week of 9/1. Sept 4 Secondhand Skin by Hailey Turner; Sept 6 Coven of Consequence by S. L. Prater, Tempest: A Hydroverse Anthology
Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

When they ask why we should mask now when we didn’t before? The answer is simple. When you know better - you do better. Covid changed the game. It’s killed millions & disabled even more. We KNOW wearing a mask protects ourselves & our communities. Why wouldn’t we do it? /14

Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

Because the new COVID vaccine is out and someone asked me for a reminder: it's 50mg diphenhydramine 15m before the shot or 20mg cetirizine 2-3 hours before (if you have MCAS add an extra 20mg famotidine + 10mg montelukast (if taking) when you take the others) to avoid feeling like death

Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

Chronic illness is isolating. Chronic illness in the time of covid is devastating. Ask me how I know.

Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

My cozy, romantic WitchLit Plant Lady is on sale this weekend! Plant Lady

The cover of Plant Lady featuring a young woman leaning against a young man. They hold a pothos plant. Text says, “Plants are easy. People…not so much.”
Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

A look at what's releasing this week! If you have a book you need added to the calendar, you can submit it here:

Releases Week of 8/25. Aug 26 Live, Laugh, Lurk by Elsie Winters, No Bones About It by Jove Chambers, Warrioress by S.J. Sanders, Wrangled by the Alien Rancher by Ursa Dax
Releases Week of 8/25. Aug 27 (Audio) Leviathan's Song by Elsie Winters, Escaping the Friendzone by Emily Antoinette, Oceansong by C.W. Rose, Submitting to the Alien Barbarian by Petra Palerno, The Lion & The Thief by Emma Elizabeth
Releases Week of 8/25. Aug 30 Bred by the Dragon by Lyonne Riley, Ironling by S. E. Wendel, The Dragon's Distraction by Safia Nyx
Releases Week of 8/25. Aug 31 Make Me Bee-lieve by D.J. Russo, Rare Royal by Torah Channing, Savage Planet Discovery by Kassie Keegan
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Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies
🥄 Medical Hot Mess with too many acronyms 🦓 Book lover • ARC reviewer • Monster romance enthusiast • Writer • Geology & Climate Science nerd • Still Masking 😷 🌈 Queer AF | she/they
163 followers354 following257 posts