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Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies
🥄 Medical Hot Mess with too many acronyms 🦓 Book lover • ARC reviewer • Monster romance enthusiast • Writer • Geology & Climate Science nerd • Still Masking 😷 🌈 Queer AF | she/they
163 followers354 following257 posts
Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

When they ask why we should mask now when we didn’t before? The answer is simple. When you know better - you do better. Covid changed the game. It’s killed millions & disabled even more. We KNOW wearing a mask protects ourselves & our communities. Why wouldn’t we do it? /14

Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

My cozy, romantic WitchLit Plant Lady is on sale this weekend! Plant Lady

The cover of Plant Lady featuring a young woman leaning against a young man. They hold a pothos plant. Text says, “Plants are easy. People…not so much.”

They called yesterday and it’s scheduled for in two weeks, but the second I got off the phone I felt like I was going to puke the anxiety/PTSD response was so intense. I spent all of yesterday alternating between that feeling and just rage & disbelief towards the specialist. I hate this.




🫠 This whole thing is exponentially infuriating because if I didn’t need insurance to cover it, I could go to one of those rich people “drip bars” and get hooked up to IV saline just for funsies like they do when they have a hangover or want to improve their skin or whatever!


… wait this is actually a thing? I’m not just imagining it? I have been trying to figure out why the hell it seems like my tongue doesn’t fit anymore and I keep getting bite sores all along the sides and this whole time it might be related to MCAS and long Covid?! 🫠


Adding a screenshot for context and because this is so wild I’m sure there are people that will claim the doctor didn’t say that. It is cropped for privacy reasons but you can see the reply and the use of the word addicted without the personal information being shown.

A screenshot of a medical portal message with the doctor saying “the concern is that you can get “addicted” to IV fluids, which makes it difficult to come off them” with my (the patient) reply being “I’m not sure how it would be any different than the risk of dependency that I currently will have getting fluids weekly with the IVIG anyway. I guess it’ll be…” the message is cut off but is irrelevant.

To the IV fluids. I asked how it was any different than how I’m currently getting IV fluids with every infusion and have not gotten any response.


That is exactly what my best friend said 🙃 like are we seriously quoting dystopian movies to deny patient care now? Is that where we are at?

Reposted by Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies

If you haven’t been masking in public since 2021 please mask the fuck up in solidarity. We’ve been begging for years and everything we’ve said would happen has happened and is happening bc you’d rather disappear disabled people than listen to us when we see the fascist warning signs

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Cas ✨ SnapCracklePoppies
🥄 Medical Hot Mess with too many acronyms 🦓 Book lover • ARC reviewer • Monster romance enthusiast • Writer • Geology & Climate Science nerd • Still Masking 😷 🌈 Queer AF | she/they
163 followers354 following257 posts