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AO3 user strawhattery • she/her, 32 • pfp by newttxt
17 followers5 following2 posts

✨ utilities included › explicit › zosanzo › chapter 2/10 › a/b/o, alpha x alpha › modern era, roommates to lovers

Fic graphic that includes the name of the fic, the chapter number, and a brief excerpt. Title: Utilities Included. Chapter: Two. Excerpt: 

“You think it’s that easy?” 

Zoro scoffs. “Like it’s hard?”

Then he puts a hand over Sanji’s eyes, and it flips a switch in Sanji’s head: fight. He tries to claw Zoro’s hand away. When that doesn’t work, he starts to kick. 

“Ow.” But Zoro’s voice sounds hollow, like he doesn’t really mean it. Sanji thrashes harder. Zoro’s hand doesn’t budge, but his tone warms. “Yeah, whatever—let it out a bit. You’re all pent up.”
A fic graphic showing the fic's rating and AO3 tags. Rated: Explicit. Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. Ship: Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji. Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Modern Era, Roommates to Lovers, Alpha/Alpha, Internalized Homophobia, Canon-Typical Vinsmoke Family Dynamics
Reposted by bree✨

comic for ch. 2 of’s fic, utilities included!! sorry but romance is stored in the bickering

four page one piece zosan fancomic. modern au. page 1.

panel 1: sanji sits in his car and looks up at a knock on his window. zoro asks, “gonna stay out here all night?”

panel 2: zoro leans casually against the outside of the vehicle, looking off the side as sanji says, “thinking about it. what do you want, mosshead?”

panel 3: zoro stands, looking in at sanji, and bluntly answers, “dinner.”

panel 4: this sends sanji into a laughing fit. he drops his forehead against his steering wheel and cackles as he beats his fist against the inside of the door, rolling down the window in the process. a startled zoro goes, “huh?!”
page 2.

panel 1: zoro sticks his head in through the newly opened window. he looks incredibly irritated as he demands, “what are you laughing at?!”

panel 2: sanji and zoro smash their foreheads into each other, glaring and snarling. sanji says, “you, you MORON.”

panel 3: sanji suddenly reaches up to hold the side of zoro’s head. he says, “hey.”

panel 4: sanji and zoro lean in close, their lips inches apart. sanji says, “watch the teeth, asshole.”

panel 5: they kiss. or they make-out. either way, it’s loaded.
page 3.

panel 1: the tops of their heads are visible, still clearly close to one another. “you piss me off,” zoro says. “get out of the car.”

panel 2: sanji shrinks back into his seat and childishly sinks low, not making eye contact. he gives a petulant, “no.”

panel 3: zoro stands at the car window. the door itself is locked. “then i’m coming in,” he says.

panel 4: with one haughty finger, sanji rolls up the window wordlessly. zoro attempts to stick his arm in, but to no avail.

panel 5: zoro shouts, “would it kill you to be less annoying?!” from outside of the vehicle as the window finishes rolling up all the way.
page 4.

panel 1: like an absolute bastard, sanji cups a hand to his ear, pointing and miming, “sorry, i cant hear you…”

panel 2: a fuming zoro flips him off.

panel 3: an irate sanji flips zoro off in return, with both hands.

panel 4: zoro slams against the car door with a fist. his face is nearly pressed to the glass, and even in the shadow, his maniacal grin is visible. “you cant stay in there forever,” he says, forebodingly. “the longer you make me wait, the worse this is gonna be for you.”

panel 5: sanji sits safely in car, face warped in an odd mix of shocked, horrified, and vaguely turned on.

panel 6: zoro stomps away to head back to their shared apartment. he says, “FINE. have it your way.”

panel 7: sanji has not moved and his expression has not changed. however, his nose is now bleeding profusely and running off his chin, revealing that in fact he was not only VAGUELY turned on by the experience

✨utilities included › zosan › explicit › chapter 1/10 › a/b/o, alpha x alpha › modern era, roommates to lovers

Fic graphic that includes the name of the fic, the chapter number, and a brief excerpt. Title: Utilities Included. Chapter: One. Excerpt: 

Nami snatches her hand away, and rubs it on the musty arm of the couch. "What are you, ten?!" 

Zoro puts his tongue back in his mouth and smirks. "Maybe." 

"Dinner's ready," Sanji announces, already plating, four servings of his shrimp fried rice. "But if you lick her again, I'm going to cut your tongue out and serve it up next." 

The apartment goes quiet. 

"Bon appétit," he adds.
A fic graphic showing the fic's rating and AO3 tags. Rated: Explicit. Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. Ship: Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji. Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Modern Era, Roommates to Lovers, Alpha/Alpha, Internalized Homophobia, Canon-Typical Vinsmoke Family Dynamics
Reposted by bree✨

comic for the fic “utilities included” (zosan) please enjoy sanji making his own life as miserable as possible in plain view of his new roommate 🙃

one piece fancomic. page 1.

narrator: it’s not until thursday that sanji finally meets his new roommate.

panel 1: sanji opens the fridge, disgruntled to find that the only contents are two unopened jars of pickles.

panel 2: a drawer, tragically containing nothing but crumbs and hot sauce packets. on the counter sits a cup of plastic cutlery and a stack of paper plates.  

panel 3: a silhouette of sanji lugging his moving boxes around.

panel 4: a selection of sanji’s cooking implements like a whisk, spatula, and a roll of knives.

panel 5: a shot of sanji’s back as he works in his newly set up kitchen, whistling to himself. a spice rack and toaster are visible in the foreground.

panel 6: close up of sanji’s hands chopping up a food of nebulous identity. this is due to the artist’s shortcomings in drawing food without reference.  

narrator: somewhere between sautéing the mushrooms and dicing the onions…
page 2.

narrator: the front door just. opens.

panel 1: the door creaks open, revealing a foreboding black boot on a zoro-green background.

panel 2: a closeup of sanji’s surprised eye. 

narrator: and sanji, a young alpha who was taught self-defense by a cranky old ex-sailor, reacts on simple, brutal instinct.

panel 3: dynamic shot of sanji instinctively hurling his kitchen knife at the reader
page 3.

narrator: the second it leaves his fingers, he knows he’s made a horrible, life-in-jail kind of mistake

panels 1-3: three panels of zoro, standing casually in the open doorway with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. the flying knife is at the bottom of each panel, inbound for a direct hit in zoro’s face. he looks progressively unamused as the camera zooms in further with each shot.
page 4.

panel 1: at the last second, zoro tilts his head to the side, dodging the knife, which buries itself into the wall with a thump.

narrator: all he can do is watch, cuss, and pray.

panel 2: sanji is sweating profusely, his jaw dropped comically wide in horror. his visible eye is wide as a dinner plate, and his eyebrow has flown so high that its fully flown off his face altogether. he is a man who has just seen his life flash before his eyes and hated every second of it
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AO3 user strawhattery • she/her, 32 • pfp by newttxt
17 followers5 following2 posts