That Filthy Groundhog
Dog and cat owner, coffee addicted metalhead, lover of mecha anime and FFXI. I am THE weeaboo groundhog freak from Fenrir server. Vices: Alcohol, tobacco. Political and religious beliefs? Mind your own and I'll mind mine.
1 followers27 following24 posts

Ask not how. Ask why.


User generated block lists help, as does an active and engaged moderation team, two things the other site and app lacks.


Beware the dark. It's where groundhogs hide.


Hm... actually catch a few live? Or vod gang so I can watch while grinding out armor seals in FF11? Hard call to make.


11/10, can confirm this Walmart rabbit is impossible to gauge.


Yeah, you can do it all, Reina, but can you outlast a groundhog?


I've long held that violence isn't the answer. Oh, lord knows, it isn't. Ya see, violence is the question. Wanna know the answer? It's bloody damn well YES. Especially when in a video game, and completely unexpected. That's the best kinda violence.

That Filthy Groundhog
Dog and cat owner, coffee addicted metalhead, lover of mecha anime and FFXI. I am THE weeaboo groundhog freak from Fenrir server. Vices: Alcohol, tobacco. Political and religious beliefs? Mind your own and I'll mind mine.
1 followers27 following24 posts