That Filthy Groundhog
Dog and cat owner, coffee addicted metalhead, lover of mecha anime and FFXI. I am THE weeaboo groundhog freak from Fenrir server. Vices: Alcohol, tobacco. Political and religious beliefs? Mind your own and I'll mind mine.
1 followers27 following24 posts

I've long held that violence isn't the answer. Oh, lord knows, it isn't. Ya see, violence is the question. Wanna know the answer? It's bloody damn well YES. Especially when in a video game, and completely unexpected. That's the best kinda violence.


A brand new morning. Decisions, decisions. Fell Cleave burn in FF11? Work on my Hale's Own Phlog/Scorch combo in TF2? No matter what, it'll be after coffee, at least.


There comes a time in every groundhog's life, when they must dig a tunnel, and add to that tunnel a sleeping chamber, a bathroom chamber, food storage, and a hidden back door.

That Filthy Groundhog
Dog and cat owner, coffee addicted metalhead, lover of mecha anime and FFXI. I am THE weeaboo groundhog freak from Fenrir server. Vices: Alcohol, tobacco. Political and religious beliefs? Mind your own and I'll mind mine.
1 followers27 following24 posts