That Filthy Groundhog
Dog and cat owner, coffee addicted metalhead, lover of mecha anime and FFXI. I am THE weeaboo groundhog freak from Fenrir server. Vices: Alcohol, tobacco. Political and religious beliefs? Mind your own and I'll mind mine.
1 followers27 following26 posts

A brand new morning. Decisions, decisions. Fell Cleave burn in FF11? Work on my Hale's Own Phlog/Scorch combo in TF2? No matter what, it'll be after coffee, at least.


That Filthy Groundhog
Dog and cat owner, coffee addicted metalhead, lover of mecha anime and FFXI. I am THE weeaboo groundhog freak from Fenrir server. Vices: Alcohol, tobacco. Political and religious beliefs? Mind your own and I'll mind mine.
1 followers27 following26 posts