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Jacob Wheeler - Th'Den Wheja Art and Science
Celebrating Science and Storytelling through Art and Animation - He/Him - #ActuallyAutistic - No AI or NFTs
41 followers185 following63 posts
Reposted by Jacob Wheeler - Th'Den Wheja Art and Science

Here's a few still frames from the Fuego eruption video. With remarkable power and stunning beauty, mother nature never ceases to amaze me.

Reposted by Jacob Wheeler - Th'Den Wheja Art and Science

What is common knowledge in your field but shocks outsiders. You can just make art*. Anyone. It might not be something other people like or want to buy but if you made it & enjoyed it, that's all you need. Just make art. Everyone. *Music, writing etc included.


Forgot to ask the window guy at Wendy's for extra ketchup because of a massive DDOS attack.

Reposted by Jacob Wheeler - Th'Den Wheja Art and Science

I can't believe I forgot to post my stuff here, but I'm back animating again! I'm testing out a new style, and obviously, the first thing I had to use it on is a dinosaur model. Let me know what you guys think!

Sketchasaurs - Maiasaura
Sketchasaurs - Maiasaura

A short test of a new rendering style I'm working on. It took forever to set up, but now that I have a general pipeline set up, I think I want to experiment ...

Reposted by Jacob Wheeler - Th'Den Wheja Art and Science

I’m a Palestinian and I’m sick of you all thinking you can talk over us or you know better than us. When you’re sharing content about the genocide, be sure lots of it is from actual Palestinians. Amplify our voices. You don’t know the half of what we’ve been through.

Reposted by Jacob Wheeler - Th'Den Wheja Art and Science

It took me a lot longer than I think it should have to get this guy into a semi-believable environment, but he seems a lot happier for it.


It took me a lot longer than I think it should have to get this guy into a semi-believable environment, but he seems a lot happier for it.


Happy birthday to me! As a little gift, I spent two painstaking weeks trying to get this thing to look presentable. Let me know what you think!

A photoreal rendering of a feathered dromaeosaurid. If you're reading this because the original image didn't load, I'm gonna be sad.
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Jacob Wheeler - Th'Den Wheja Art and Science
Celebrating Science and Storytelling through Art and Animation - He/Him - #ActuallyAutistic - No AI or NFTs
41 followers185 following63 posts