Tobias Hoffmann
Biochemist, now working in science policy. Passionate about biodiversity 🪲🌿, science and innovation policy #scipol, scientific policy advice, science diplomacy and of course the life sciences (cancer & RNA #splicing) - my own views only
123 followers512 following63 posts
Reposted by Tobias Hoffmann

This is happening basically across all “Western” democracies, as mainstream democratic parties are reflexively responding to the radical Right with some variation of “They are correct, this is an acute threat / We have to take them seriously / We need to adopt their framing.” A disaster.

Reposted by Tobias Hoffmann

Also yet another dismal failure of the strategy of mainstream centre-right parties co-opting language of populist right. Few have been as accommodating as the ÖVP have been of the FPÖ, yet this is the end result (as it has been pretty much everywhere).

Reposted by Tobias Hoffmann

Mary Shelley

Reposted by Tobias Hoffmann

This week, the touchstone paper purporting to show that there are replicability benefits of preregistration was retracted. For me this highlights a long-running disagreement I've had with core CoS strategy. I like the idea of making things possible, easy, and rewarding.

Reposted by Tobias Hoffmann

Das echte Erfolgsprojekt der Ampel nicht mal die Legislaturperiode über preisstabil gehalten. Glückwunsch.

Reposted by Tobias Hoffmann

My next big theory of everything is going to be that people notice that things just don’t feel as nice as they used to & conclude that something (social media/capitalism/feminism/vaccines/the drinking water) isn’t right about the world when it’s literally just their own aging.

Reposted by Tobias Hoffmann

For scientists, getting on policymakers’ radar and building trust with government officials can be a challenge, but in a world reeling from a pandemic and grappling with climate change, science-policy advisers are needed now more than ever. 🧪

Science-policy advisers shape programmes that solve real-world problems
Science-policy advisers shape programmes that solve real-world problems

Four scientists discuss how they broke into the field and how they use evidence to tackle society’s problems. Four scientists discuss how they broke into the field and how they use evidence to tackle ...

Tobias Hoffmann
Biochemist, now working in science policy. Passionate about biodiversity 🪲🌿, science and innovation policy #scipol, scientific policy advice, science diplomacy and of course the life sciences (cancer & RNA #splicing) - my own views only
123 followers512 following63 posts