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Tobin Elliott
🇨🇦 I write ugly stories about terrible people doing horrible things. I can be an asshole. Read my alt texts. Occasional posts about my books. Check out my stuff on If you follow, then DM me to sell me something...BLOCKED.
3.9k followers10.8k following4.4k posts

The thug life could have chosen me... ...but no...I got that damn bear, instead.

Text says,

At the young age of 5, a bear told me that I am the only person who can prevent forest fires.

Why I was chosen, I'll never know.
Old Smokey the Bear image.

Smokey's kindly face is partially shadowed by his hat. He's looking directly at the viewer with his kind eyes, his mouth slightly open as if he's speaking directly to me from that disembodied head on the red background, looking very much like a stop sign.

The text says, "PLEASE! Only you (and the "you" is underlined to drive that point home) can prevent forest fires!"



I said what I said.

Text says:

I'm done chasing people who aren't willing to do the same for me.

After today, the ice cream man can go fuck himself.

Seriously, it seems like I give and give...I chase him...what does he give me? Okay, well, besides the tasty frozen treat...
6 wow.


As long as you're only crying of laughter, that's okay!


I simply cannot look at this, and read that line and not crack up. I'm a terrible person.

Two boxes of hair colouring...sitting side by side, and the two halves of two completely separate women line up perfectly to give you the impression we're looking at a broken, fucked up, brain damaged, single person who's a redhead on her right, and a brunette on the left. Her eyes go off in two utterly different directions, and she's kind of grimacing (likely from the pain of the out of place eye) showing teeth on one half of her smile.

But, it's the chef's kiss of the text above that perfectly makes says, "Time to durr my hurr."

I laughed FAR too loud and FAR too long at this.

But... But... Doritos are gooooooood.


Sorry to let you know...but that's not Tricia. It's a fake account.


Why are there all these fake author accounts showing up on here? was on here for a bit, pretending to be Tricia O'Malley I've had other ones, too. What's the point?

a man in a suit stands next to a woman and says what is really going on here ..
a man in a suit stands next to a woman and says what is really going on here ..

ALT: a man in a suit stands next to a woman and says what is really going on here ..

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Tobin Elliott
🇨🇦 I write ugly stories about terrible people doing horrible things. I can be an asshole. Read my alt texts. Occasional posts about my books. Check out my stuff on If you follow, then DM me to sell me something...BLOCKED.
3.9k followers10.8k following4.4k posts