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If you worry that mass-blocking on Bluesky is too easy, you may be failing to grasp Bluesky's design goals. Bluesky delegates community safety to communities, providing them with efficient means for community self-defense. TERFs can be here too. Just not in community with their victims. Simple as.

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Australian opposition leader Peter Dutton's week: SUNDAY: The government ignored concerns from the community about offshore windfarms THURSDAY: We would override local concerns about putting nuclear reactors in their community.

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If you've made it to the end of this thread, my only request is that you share it with others. So many people suffered because of this denialism, and it frankly burns me up that this dark legacy has been made to disappear without a fuss.

Foo Fighters, HIV Deniers
Foo Fighters, HIV Deniers

A platinum-selling alt-rock group may be endangering their fans by promoting a dangerous myth.

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I made a few notes on the blog about the nazi attack on the anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury on Friday; infos is being sought from the public in order to help identify several of the attackers, so please feel free to share.

Neo-Nazis attack anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury, Friday September 15
Neo-Nazis attack anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury, Friday September 15

TLDR: On Friday night, a small group of neo-Nazis armed with knives attempted to disrupt an anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury. Happily, the cowards were chased away by attendees. Currently, whi…

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- The rate of renewable energy growth is (a) insufficient to hit an 82% by 2030 target and (b) decelerating (!!) This is actually totally achievable, they just need to do a smidgen more than 'nothing'. But they're sticking with nothing, because that's what they do

a chart showing falling investment in renewables i nAus since 2018 - it's so bad
a chart showing renewable growth rate as a percent, too slow to reach 82% but still possible with some effort
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just a big old shout-out to every single Australian Prime Minister for catastrophically failing to cut greenhouse gas emissions either at all, or sufficiently to align with Paris-aligned budgets

just barely changing emissions during every PM's tenure, including the most recent guy
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Market-led, market-price "affordable housing" is completely devoid of meaning. No one is talking about the same thing when they say “affordable housing” and at this point it’s an entirely useless term. We need to stop using it.

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Relying on carbon capture and storage to reduce emissions is like trying to empty a swimming pool with a thimble. Read more about the con that is CCS: #auspol

22 followers190 following20 posts