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Weyodi OldBear
Indigenous Futurist and comic book writer, worked on Coyote & Crow, Numunu Citizen, carries a Spock doll in her purse. Performs femininity and knows it's a performance. Disabled in a seizures, dyslexic, global dyspraxia, and partially blind sort of way
1k followers396 following2.7k posts

It's an intertribal summit but the Menominee are hosting. I'm pretty much just a writer but I write all kinds of things from games, to novels, to short fiction, and comics. I used to write narration for documentaries. But everything I write has to do with NDNS and 90% involves climate change.


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Weyodi OldBear
Indigenous Futurist and comic book writer, worked on Coyote & Crow, Numunu Citizen, carries a Spock doll in her purse. Performs femininity and knows it's a performance. Disabled in a seizures, dyslexic, global dyspraxia, and partially blind sort of way
1k followers396 following2.7k posts