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Ben Mabie
68 followers95 following13 posts
Reposted by Ben Mabie

me and some friends are going long on the CIO. the podcast's called Fragile Juggernaut and you can listen anywhere you get your podcasts. we'll have what I suspect will be a substantial newsletter with it so if you want that, or just want to support us, subscribe:

‎Haymarket Originals: Fragile Juggernaut on Apple Podcasts
‎Haymarket Originals: Fragile Juggernaut on Apple Podcasts

‎History · 2024


This long interview with Tareq Baconi turned out fantastic – vital context to making sense of the changing face of Palestinian resistance over the last few decades

Reposted by Ben Mabie

The struggle is to see what's occurring in Gaza as a truly singular catastrophe *and* as a diagram of what's to come, of a future of increasingly securitized/militarized states and increasingly dispossessed/displaced peoples. Everything depends on siding with the latter.

Reposted by Ben Mabie

Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (Trans. Ibrahim Muhawi)

Three o’clock. Daybreak riding on fire. A nightmare coming from the sea. Roosters made of metal. Smoke. Metal preparing a feast for metal the master, and a dawn that flares up in all the senses before it breaks. A roaring that chases me out of bed and throws me into this narrow hallway. I want nothing, and I hope for nothing. I can’t direct my limbs in
this pandemonium. No time for caution, and no time for time. If I only knew—if I knew how to organize the crush of this death that keeps pouring forth. If only I knew how to liberate the screams held back in a body that no longer feels like mine from the sheer effort spent to save itself in this uninterrupted chaos of shells. “Enough!” “Enough!” I whisper, to find out if I can still do anything that will guide me to myself and point to the abyss opening in six directions. I can’t surrender to this fate, and I can’t resist it. Steel that howls, only to have other steel bark back. The fever of metal is the song of this dawn.
Reposted by Ben Mabie

Things are coming together for the podcast on the history of the CIO that I've been working on with


If you want to support the project, check out the patreon, which will help us pay our audio producer. If you'd just like to sign up for some occasional updates as this thing gets ready to launch, follow this:

CIO Podcast Coming Soon - Sign Up for Updates
CIO Podcast Coming Soon - Sign Up for Updates

We are very excited that Fragile Juggernaut, our podcast on the history of the CIO will be getting started in the near future. If you're interested in staying in the loop, please sign up here.


At the CWA/NewsGuild Strike School (hybrid across 3 offices, 150ish people on zoom too). Opening the day by hearing from Maximus call center workers and their strike preparations.


The flooding is quite a scene in New York. Shoutout to some building captains in the Crown Heights Tenant Union for throwing together this great resource on emergency flood response in a pinch:


FLOOD ORGANIZING If your apartment or building is flooded or water-damaged today, your fellow-tenants in the union have your back. Basement Apartments ° If you are in a basement apartment that is co...


A great piece on the strike? Definitely. But also the best damn thing you can read on the (partial, uneven, and still just getting started) political recomposition of the labor movement that's underway today

Eight and Skate | Gabriel Winant
Eight and Skate | Gabriel Winant

The age of optimism that lasted in the US from the 1940s to the 1970s looked, basically, like a car. In his classic study Labor and Monopoly Capital

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Ben Mabie
68 followers95 following13 posts