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Yung En Chee
Applied ecologist, conservation science, structured decision-making, spatial modelling, waterways research #StayGrounded #NoFlyForWork
1.3k followers418 following1k posts
Reposted by Yung En Chee

In the summer of 2021, villagers of northern Mozambique’s remote and troubled Afungi peninsula sought refuge with government soldiers operating out of a nearby TotalEnergies’ gas plant. Instead, they found brutality. Read our full investigation:

Reposted by Yung En Chee

The Indian govt is currently pushing through a mega project in the lush rainforests of Great Nicobar island that is home to two tribal communities: the Nicobarese & the Shompen. A Nicobarese anthropologist speaks at length, criticising multiple aspects of the project

Nicobarese Anthropologist & Former Officer Questions Modi Govt Claims Over Controversial Great Nicobar Project
Nicobarese Anthropologist & Former Officer Questions Modi Govt Claims Over Controversial Great Nicobar Project

As the union government calls for proposals to cut nearly a million trees in a pristine rainforest in Great Nicobar island in the Andaman Sea to build a port, international airport, town, tourism reso...

Reposted by Yung En Chee

Lou wills the sunbeams to keep beaming...

Gray tabby sits neatly upright on a pale paraquet floor, in a strip of sun. His eyes are closed & he wears a look of concentration. His tail is neatly wrapped around him, covering his front paws

"Kathmandu is situated in a bowl-shaped valley surrounded by five mountain ranges." Highest daily rainfall in more than 40 years causes deadly & devastating floods & landslides in Kathmandu😢

Nepal floods: More than 130 dead and 60 missing in capital
Nepal floods: More than 130 dead and 60 missing in capital

More than 400,000 homes and shops overwhelmed in low-lying areas in Kathmandu


Morning chin scratches for the squish-tiger

Close-up front view of a gray tabby receiving chin scratches. His eyes are half-closed in enjoyment
Close-up profile view of a gray tabby receiving chin scratches. His eyes are closed in appreciation
Reposted by Yung En Chee

This is a post I wrote this time last year, about how the instinct for those of us in the keyboardy professional climate spaces to immediately hand-wring about "optics" around climate protest results in us hugely helping right-wing authoritarian pro-fossil forces

Australia is killing climate protest. Where’s the solidarity?
Australia is killing climate protest. Where’s the solidarity?

Australian state governments are cracking down on climate protest. They need your solidarity and your voice now more than ever

Reposted by Yung En Chee

British-Egyptian blogger, coder, and activist Alaa Abd El Fattah should be released tomorrow, but Egyptian authorities do not plan to release him until 2027. EFF joined 58 digital and human rights organizations calling for his immediate release

Alaa Abd el-Fattah must be released this month at the end of his prison sentence - The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
Alaa Abd el-Fattah must be released this month at the end of his prison sentence - The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

The Egyptian-British writer and activist, Alaa Abd el-Fattah, must be released on Sunday September 29 at the end of his five year prison sentence, in accordance with Egyptian law, a coalition of 59 Eg...

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Yung En Chee
Applied ecologist, conservation science, structured decision-making, spatial modelling, waterways research #StayGrounded #NoFlyForWork
1.3k followers418 following1k posts