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Ottoman Vampire
Researcher of consumption, markets, & internet. Not a thought leader. Killjoy. Post-Ottoman subject. Feels alterity sickness everywhere. She/her/cis EN/FR/TR/ND Background: still from Killer of Sheep Profile: a short haired person wearing a 3M Aura
1.1k followers81 following774 posts

People around me are “I have this cold that has lasted 3 months,” “I am coughing blood,” or “I am actually dead” and still refuse to acknowledge that we are still in a pandemic.


Tbh, it’s pretty hard to acknowledge anything, much less Covid, when you’re actually dead /j On a more serious note, I absolutely do see your point and it pains me every time someone says “during the pandemic” as if that’s not our present reality


Pretty sure I've been dead for a little over 3 years now. It's strange how little things change.


Today I heard, “Everyone’s been sick for weeks in my house. I’m glad we’re past Covid because we couldn’t handle dealing with that on top of everything else!” Both parents in this household are MDs who saw patients today, unmasked. I want to scream.

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Ottoman Vampire
Researcher of consumption, markets, & internet. Not a thought leader. Killjoy. Post-Ottoman subject. Feels alterity sickness everywhere. She/her/cis EN/FR/TR/ND Background: still from Killer of Sheep Profile: a short haired person wearing a 3M Aura
1.1k followers81 following774 posts