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Zuri Linetsky
Think about foreign policy, military affairs, and war fighting.
106 followers79 following429 posts
Reposted by Zuri Linetsky

The most popular position among Jewish Israelis? A single, Jewish state in Israel and the Occupied Territories. I have to assume that this would be accompanied by more than a dollop of ethnic cleansing.

Reposted by Zuri Linetsky

Some discussion of the two-state solution on the site today. It remains the default position of both international law and diplomatic efforts. If you are wondering how people in Israel and Palestine feel about it, this is from PSR's latest polling. Israeli Jewish support has mostly collapsed.


I speak Hebrew and Arabic, (and Russian if you really want to get into Israeli languages). I have lived and worked in Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon—among a number of other places in the Middle East. I’m with Ta-Nehisi Coates. He’s right. He gets it. And it’s self-evident.


Perhaps a discussion of the state of Israeli military logistics to understand the time & costs of retraining troops & fixing hardware is necessary. And what is impact of fewer UK arms?


What’s missing from this reporting is a discussion of IDF fatigue & systems maintainance. Hardware is good, but troops & hardware must be maintained. After a year of war in Gaza about 400 soldiers are dead & 4000 wounded. How many tanks/APCs damaged destroyed?

Military briefing: The intelligence driving Israel’s ‘victory doctrine’ against Hizbollah
Military briefing: The intelligence driving Israel’s ‘victory doctrine’ against Hizbollah

Lebanese militant group fought Israeli troops to a stalemate in 2006. Both sides have tried to learn the lessons


To be clear this is *not* how deterrence works. Israel is trying to play a game of chicken with Hezbollah. Hoping the later will swerve. But this is a misreading of the tactical advantages Hezbollah has over the IDF. And more importantly game theory doesn’t apply to real war fighting. Eg. Vietnam


The Hezbollah military structure is dynamic and adaptive. And hard and deep buried. Just read about the 2006 war. Steve Biddle has written about this extensively. This is more like fighting in Yemen than Gaza. Against a more sophisticated foe.


Reuters spoke to source familiar woth Hezbollah, which has fought Israel since 1983. They pioneered organizational structures & tunnel infrastructure to beat the IDF. Among many salient points: unlike Gaza, tunnels in Lebanon are built deep into mountain rock.

Hezbollah's tunnels and flexible command weather Israel's deadly blows
Hezbollah's tunnels and flexible command weather Israel's deadly blows

Hezbollah's flexible chain of command, together with its extensive tunnel network and a vast arsenal of missiles and weapons it has bolstered over the past year, is helping it weather unprecedented Israeli strikes, three sources familiar with the Lebanese militant group's operations said.

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Zuri Linetsky
Think about foreign policy, military affairs, and war fighting.
106 followers79 following429 posts