Demanding people stop sharing old data when you won't provide current data is not a sign of a competent government with a credible plan or solution. Our communities & family, friends & neighbors in need deserve better. We can't trust a government that won't be straight with us. #ableg


The UCP government is refusing to share data on how many people have actually been housed through their Navigation Centre. If itā€™s the successful solution they claim it is, they should be proud to share data that proves it. If not, thereā€™s significant work to do before winter hits. #ableg

Alberta and Edmonton at odds over data on homeless navigation centre
Alberta and Edmonton at odds over data on homeless navigation centre

Edmonton city council wants more data on Alberta's navigation centre. City's response to homeless encampments will be the same this winter.


"Maximizing the long-term benefits of our resources means maximizing what we charge for those resources... Increasing royalties, saving 100 per cent of our oil and gas revenues, and using taxes to fund our public services make sense."

Opinion: Alberta's real addiction: avoiding fair taxation
Opinion: Alberta's real addiction: avoiding fair taxation

Increasing royalties, saving 100 per cent of our oil and gas revenues, and using taxes to fund our public services make sense.




Don't forget that from 2010 to 2023, the Government of Alberta collected ONLY 71 CENTS from oilsands operators for cleanup obligations. Cenovus, Suncor, Imperial & CNRL posted combined profits of $25 BILLION in 2023 alone.


New comic! We are going to have to rethink how we work with the most gullible and evidence-averse premier weā€™ve had in decades. #ableg#abpoli