Oh, yeah, the Sour Cream & Black Pepper Sunbites are good, but a good Worcestershire Sauce bite would be way better. I've considered putting a packet of Worcestershire Sauce crisps in my care package for a friend in Alaska.


Wind Advisory issued October 12 at 8:07AM AKDT until October 13 at 12:00AM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks AK Additional Details Here.

* WHAT...East winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 60 mph.

* WHERE...Delta Junction, Eastern Alaska Range North of Trims Camp,
and Northern Denali Borough.

* WHEN...Until midnight AKDT tonight.

* IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and a few
power outages may result.

I find it simultaneously hilarious and barbaric that a group of business owners in Alaska have raised 1.2 million dollars to try to convince voters that they can’t afford to pay employees more.


Thousands of Alaska Natives to gather in Anchorage, reports Joaqlin Estus for ICT News, via the Alaska Beacon:


Florida has a better chance than Texas, but flipping Alaska is more statistically probable than either. Because Alaska simply has far fewer voters. This is mathematical fact.


The return journey in spring is more circuitous. Two-Three will have headed north, following a more land-based route with various staging points (the area around the Yellow Sea is particularly important) to rest and feed.

Another map, a red line linking Tasmania with Alaska by way of China and Japan etc.

Crossing the Pacific is the most direct and therefore shortest route, but it’s perilous. Bar-tailed Godwits aren’t like seabirds – they can’t stop to feed or rest at sea. So the only option is onwards.

A map, with a red line linking Alaska and Tasmania.

Zwei Dickhornschafe am Alaska Highway. 'Schafe & Ziegen' #FotoVorschlag

Auf dem Bild sind zwei Schafe mit geschwungenen Hörnern zu sehen, die am Straßenrand Salz lecken und sich mit ihren Köpfen fast berühren. Das eine Tier hat ein braunes Fell, während das andere Tier ein helleres, graues Fell hat. Die Umgebung besteht aus felsigem Terrain und einigen Bäumen im Hintergrund. Es ist ein sonniger Tag.

On 13th October 2022, a Bar-tailed Godwit bearing tag number 234684 took off from western Alaska. On 24th October it arrived in Tasmania. That’s an 11-day flight of at least 13,560 kilometres, at an average speed of 51 kph. Without stopping.


Atmospheric rivers are shifting poleward, reshaping global weather patterns, writes climate researcher Zhe Li in a commentary for The Conversation, via the Alaska Beacon: