Question for academics on here: I'm putting together a CV for the first time. How do you all think about presenting work done outside the academy, e.g. my podcast or a personal blog? (Which is, to be honest, most of my work.) #academisky


Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Intersections launch event, "Religion and the Future of Democracy." Thanks also to our distinguished panelists Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta and Dr. David Buckley as well as our moderator Dr. Melissa Deckman. [1/2] #polrel#academisky#polisky


Today | The Social Science Research Council is proud to launch our website that explores religion as it converges with ecology, democracy, digital technology, and policy formation---Intersections. Details for the launch event below #greensky#polrel#polisky#academisky#publicpolicy#religion


Intersections, the SSRC's new website dedicated to religion & international affairs, will explore four distinct research areas. One of them is Climate Futures. To learn more, register for the platform's official launch event. #greensky#polrel#academisky 🌏 [1/2]


Started a research project with Dr. Cañarte today. Will our marriage survive? Time will tell! #academisky


Undergrad Peer Reviewers New study finds that undergraduate students are able to peer review preprints with the help of a rubric as part of an authentic assessment task. BlueSky author: 🧪

Authentic assessment allows students to demonstrate knowledge and skills in real-world tasks.  In research, peer review is one such task where researchers are required to critique other researchers’ work - a skill that undergraduate students are expected to develop. This means peer review could serve as an authentic assessment that benefits students’ education. In this study, we had students write peer reviews of preprints, scaffolded by a rubric. Agreement between the students and experts was reasonable, and student engagement was high. The results suggest that use of peer review in undergraduate classes should be explored more. It likely facilitates student ability to evaluate the quality of scientific studies, learning about the scientific process and its critical evaluation, and shows potential for contributing to publicly-available assessment of scientific studies.

Pedagogical Tip of the Day As the dawn of a new semester approaches, just a reminder that a proper syllabus should include contingency plans for an infinitude of potential scenarios, not only within our own universe, but in all parallel ones as well. #academisky 🗃️


Journal: paper accepted, please proofread the manuscript. Me: submitted proofed manuscript. Journal: we need a version of the paper with track changes and a rebuttal letter Me: huh??? Academisky polisky