Referring to "sparkies" is kinda cringe though when electricians & electrical engineers need years long apprenticeships and will spend plenty of the coming decades fitting solar panels & green infrastructure It's a bit "pathe news reel era" in its choice of words


The Government has announced a new skills strategy. If designed and implemented well, this could boost the number of apprenticeships and ensure that Levy funds go to young people who need it most. Read our latest report


I miss the days when all I had to do to not know anything about them was not watch a stupid reality show about corporate apprenticeships.


Theres such a fine line between being gatekeepy with tattooing and art in general and being flippant about such a special and unique craft. But lately i understand the old heads more cause so many people dont respect the craft. Theres no knowledge of its history. Why apprenticeships are a thing.


Labour has put skills front and centre of its plan for government but where does the omission of higher apprenticeships from the growth and skills levy leave universities – and how will these skills be funded otherwise? #AcademicSky#EduSky

If ‘skills, skills, skills’ is the new mantra, what role for HE?
If ‘skills, skills, skills’ is the new mantra, what role for HE?

Labour has put skills front and centre of its plan for government but where does the omission of higher apprenticeships from the growth and skills levy leave universities – and how will these skills b...


oh, and we need to get serious about training future generations of engineering talent. Apprenticeships are a good model (eg. tech track+Makers) but need capacity within organisations to support (eg. devs with time to train), and ideally strategic central leadership from *technologists* to curate.


Like learn how to fly or sail like a normal person, or put in the actual work, you dilettantes. Actually, I’ve seen them sail. Travel. And point to Kanye for putting in the work for his sportswear. Not my style, but he did do some apprenticeships.