"Was muss ich über KI wissen, um mit KI lernen zu können" (also aus der kompletten BlackBox eine nur noch teilweise BlackBox machen)


Good Morning in die Blackbox ☕ Schmuddelwetter 🫣 Machen wir das Beste daraus✊ Heute ist u.a. "Mach etwas nettes #Tag#achtsam


Aus Sicht des Informatiklehrers fehlt der ansonsten tollen Aufstellung das Phänomen, dass alle Welt diese Tools nutzt/nutzen will/nutzen soll, aber fast nirgends vermittelt wird, wie die magische Blackbox das eigentlich macht, obwohl dieses Verständnis wichtiger wäre als z.B. prompten lernen.


to fazendo um programa em python e integrei blackbox IA ao VS Code. o código dá sugestão em autocomplete possível, que loucura


Its a meme about old tvs vs new tvs. CRT Televisions  
Modern TVs  
1am literally a radioactive  blackbox  strange signal goes in  picture comes out  will not break for 50 years  
Your TV needs an update  please connect to the internet  
woefully-undercaffeinated  Jul 2, 2021  
This does not even begin to cover the  weirdness of cathode ray televisions.  
They are literally particle accelerators that  you point at your face.  
And for eighty years, Americans' favorite  thing to do was turn them on and stare at  them for hours.  
f you overcharge them, they emit gamma  radiation.

Melanie Volkamer ist zu Gast bei unserer ATHENE Distinguished Lecture Series. Sie spricht in ihrem Vortrag "Usable Verifiable Internet Voting Systems" u.a. über die Risiken von Blackbox-Wahlsystemen. 👉


Seit Mitte des Jahres ist doch BlackBox/MemoryDump verpflichtend, oder?


Mas tô começando a sentir saudades das artes dr Blackbox de seguir autores de obras que eu gosto 💔💔 Quando o diabo não te alcançar ele manda o sentimento de saudades do twt, sai de mim coisa ruim


I'm not too big on the GUI of most Linux distros. It's a little too simplified for my tastes and that's not my thing. The ideal interface for me is something straight out of a 2000s Winstep or BlackBox theme and none of the themes I've found for most distros I've looked through scratch that itch.

A screencap taken from the theme "Phoenix" from 2001 for Winstep.
A screencap taken from the theme "Eyegrabber" for Winstep from 2001.

Ye. It's neat to me how many different applications there were for older Windows OSes that allows for that kind of customization for free or otherwise for a small payment. Nowadays so many of those barely work. A few of the shell replacers like BlackBox/BBLean still work tho, so there's that.