Watching Sister Act in memory of Dame Maggie Smith (RIP LEGEND) and thinking of how this joke absolutely went right over my 12 year old head 🤭 *The joke being "nun's bar" = "gay bar", or even worse a LESBIAN BAR, and also that many lesbians thru history prob took shelter in convents

Two "tough guys" in the movie Sister Act standing next to a juke box in a bar. One says to the other,

"This turns into a nun's bar, I'm outta here."

I think the reason Fallout has never appealed to me, is specifically the 1950's aesthetic. Which isn't to say I need my post apocalypses to be like Mad Max, but the chronic lack of mutant sex convents and leather gimp cunt-men overlords is just too unrealistic.


Every time I answered "what is your thesis on" with "the conception of chastity among early English women religious" I would get the answer "Oh, yeah, medieval nuns! Didn't they used to have tunnels from the convents to the monasteries full of the graves of infants?" EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Anyway doing a Daryl Dixon rewatch before the new season, lots of French scenery and medieval convents and ancient aqueducts and such. The French even manage to make a zombie apocalypse seem romantic


This is what we used to have monasteries and convents for.


Back at it on a Wednesday morning and wondering if anyone has insights into what the practice of #earlymodern laywomen residing in convents would have looked like *architecturally*. I've got cases of multiple women in what the records refer to as "apartments." But where did these fit in spatially?


Timothy J. Murphy, CAE, CFC, PGO Past Tau Kappa Epsilon Executive Vice President & CEO Member of the German dueling Corps Franconia Darmstadt Vice President and co-owner of Raybourn Group International Mason Kentucky Colonel Shriner

The Magazine of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Summer 2003
TKE’s Global Appeal
By Timothy J. Murphy, CFC, PGO
(Background) “Die Wachenburg,” the castle owned by the WSC
in Weinheim. (Right) The “Fackelzug,” or “Torch Parade,” an
annual event at Weinheimtagung – a giant parade with torches
of 1,550 Corps students.
ack in 1997, Götz Junkers-Lommatzch (now known as “Frater George”) of Germany came to
TKE’s headquarters in Indianapolis to discuss the possibility of forming an International fraternity
cooperation, or fraternity friendship, between Tau Kappa Epsilon in North America and the Weinheimer
Senioren Convents (the WSC “Corps”) of Weinheim, Germany. After a couple of days of discussing possibilities, advantages, and goals, they decided upon a fraternal “exchange,” whereby German Corps members and
Tekes could visit one another, learn one another’s traditions, and see how fraternities separated …

fraternities separated by an ocean
and centuries in age share similarities in structure, direction, values, programs, and results.
Since then, the relationship between the Corps and TKE has progressed by Fraters visiting various Corps
in Germany; German Corpsstudents visiting TKE chapters in North America; and “trading” members to attend one another’s convention (in Germany, “Weinheimtagung”) and our
Conclave. In addition, there are a few
members of the Corps who share our
Bond, having been initiated into the Bond
of TKE. In furtherance of this International fraternal friendship, Past Executive
Vice President Tim Murphy was granted
the status of “Inhalte die Corpsschleiffe,”
or full membership, in Corps Franconia
Darmstadt (Darmstadt Technical University), a rarity for a foreign national, and
has since spoken at fraternity congresses
GĂśtz Junkers-Lommatzch (blue shirt, red tie) and Tim Murphy

Timothy J. Murphy, CAE
Vice President
Tim serves as the vice president and co-owner of Raybourn Group International.

CEO of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity, the world’s largest collegiate men’s fraternity with 320 chapters and 240,000 members.

The 2015 recipient of The Order of the Golden Eagle, the Fraternity’s highest award; and is a member (Inhalte die Cospsschleiffe) of the Corps Franconia Darmstadt, one of the oldest collegiate fraternal societies in Deutschland; Past Master of his Masonic Lodge; Past Commander-in-Chief of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry;  Past Potentate of Murat Shriners; the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels; the Columbia Club of Indianapolis, the Indy Boxing Club; and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Indiana Funeral Education Foundation.

Raybourn Group International is an AMC Inc. accredited association management, non-profit consulting and event management firm based in Indianapolis

Strategic, PR, membership, event, convention, and tradeshow management services

The scandalous life of Saxon queen Eadburh involved poisonings and sex in convents. She was so naughty, the Saxons decided she’d be their last ever queen…

Eadburh, the wicked queen of Wessex
Eadburh, the wicked queen of Wessex

YouTube video by Scandalous History


monasteries and convents were often imperfect, sometimes corrupt and even outright abusive. and yet: England and Wales did not have a permanent homeless population until their dissolution. and women's education (which was happening in convents) stopped for centuries after the dissolution