What exactly is his argument that Czechs, Poles, etc fighting to liberate their homeland were actually not "the good guys" in any sense


[guy asking why they don’t just build the whole plane out of the black box material voice] Why don’t they just build the whole novel out of the extraordinarily beautiful, kaleidoscopic and moving prose? 🚀

The Nationalities are on the move. It is a great frontierless streaming out here. Volks-deutsch from across the Oder, moved out by the Poles and headed for the camp at Rostock, Poles fleeing the Lublin regime, others going back home, the eyes of both parties, when they do meet, hooded behind cheekbones, eyes much older than what's forced them into moving, Es-tonians, Letts, and Lithuanians trekking north again, all their wintry wool in dark bundles, shoes in tatters, songs too hard to sing, talk pointless, Sudetens and East Prussians shuttling between Berlin and the DP camps in Mecklen-burg, Czechs and Slovaks, Croats and Serbs, Tosks and Ghegs, Macedonians, Magyars, Vlachs, Circassians, Spaniols, Bulgars stirred and streaming over the surface of the Imperial cauldron, colliding, shearing alongside for miles, sliding away, numb, indifferent to all momenta but the deepest, the instability too far below their itchy feet to give a shape to, white wrists and ankles incredibly wasted poking
in the army blankets they kept, pale green farm-worker triangles sewn chest-high on each blouse bobbing, drifting, at a certain hour of the dusk, like candleflames in religious procession— supposed to be heading today for Hannover, supposed to pick potatoes along the way, they've been chasing these nonexistent potato fields now for a month-"Plundered," a one-time bugler limps along with a long splinter of railroad tie for a cane, his instrument, implausibly undented and shiny, swinging from one shoul-der, "stripped by the SS, Bruder, ja, every fucking potato field, and what for? Alcohol. Not to drink, no, alcohol for the rockets. Potatoes we could have been eating, alcohol we could have been drinking. It's unbelievable." "What, the rockets?" "No! The SS, picking potatoes!" looking around for his laugh. But there are none here to follow the brass and flourish of his less solemn heart. They were infantrymen, and know how to snooze between footfalls—at some hour of the morning they will f
cases, bedspreads, harmoniums, grandfather clocks, kits full of tools for carpentry, watch-making, leatherwork, surgery, paintings of pink daughters in white frocks, of saints bleeding, of salmon and purple sunsets over the sea, packs stuffed with beady-eyed boas, dolls smiling out of violently red lips, Allgeyer soldiers an inch and a quarter to the man painted cream, gold and blue, handfuls of hundred-year-old agates soaked in honey that sweetened greatgrand-father tongues long gone to dust, then into sulfuric acid to char the sugar in bands, brown to black, across the stone, deathless piano performances punched on Vorsetzer rolls, ribboned black lingerie, flowered and grape-crested silver-ware, faceted lead-glass decanters, tulip-shaped Jugendstil cups, strings of amber beads... so the populations move, across the open meadow, limping, marching, shuffling, carried, hauling along the detritus of an order, a European and bourgeois order they don't yet know is destroyed forever.
When S

@Reuters: Czechs seek partners to challenge EU's CO2 goals for car sector


"The Czechs, ah the great Czech nation, we are so wonderful... and the Slovaks too! They're here as well, and we love them, the Slovaks, we're all Czechoslovaks aren't we? Haha. Anyway back to the Czechs".


Czechoslovakia was so funny because in 90% of Czech writing from the period they've either forgotten Slovaks exist or only remember they exist halfway through and suddenly switch from talking about Czechs to Czechs and Slovaks


Czechs and balances


Yes, but not monolithic - Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, Serbs etc. Also, not English-speaking when they arrived. I wonder if that's part of it


“The main thing I always try to get across to Czechs when they ask me if people in the US are interested in Czech literature is that readers here don’t necessarily care if a writer is Czech or not.