At the Ocean Optics XXIV this week, several persons have come to tell me they use btw!). Made me so happy!! We've shared the code in different ways since we created it, ~20 years ago! (already! 😱)

Two images of sea surface temperature of the western Mediterraean sea, left with clouds in white, right reconstructed with #DINEOF. Grey is land, red is ~24°C and blue is ~19°C.

There has been a very strong marine heatwave over the western Mediterranean over the last weeks (look at the image on 12 August!). It seems to be dissipating now (image on 21 August on the right). Remember that you can see the 🌊

Two images, showing (left) original cloudy sea surface temperature measured by the satellite Metop-B on 12 August, and (right) reconstruction using DINEOF. Colours indicate warm (red) to cool (blue) temperatures, scale changes each day to adapt to image. White patches are clouds.
Two images, showing (left) original cloudy sea surface temperature measured by the satellite Metop-B on 21 August, and (right) reconstruction using DINEOF. Colours indicate warm (red) to cool (blue) temperatures, scale changes each day to adapt to image. White patches are clouds.

The daily reconstruction is still posted on mastodon 😃:


Little summer project, we finally restored the webpage with the "daily

Two images showing western Mediterranean Sea surface temperature. Gray is land, blues are ~23°C and reds are ~27°C. Left image has clouds in white, right image is reconstructed (no clouds) with DINEOF

Last month of daily gap-free 😀 Features tat can be observed include meanders along the Algerian coast, and cold water intrusions within the Balearic islands 🌊🌊

Two figures showing sea surface temperature in the western Mediterranean Sea, one with white patches that shows clouds and the other interpolated (no white patches) with DINEOF. Red colours ar e16-17 degreesC and blue colours are 14 degreesC and less. Land mass in grey. Each frame is a day, from 3 February to 4 March 2024

I have this mastodon account ( sea surface temperature estimates in the western Mediterranean Sea. I thought I'd mention it here 😀. These days lots of small-scale variability and sharp fronts (look at the region between Mallorca and Ibiza!) 🤩🌊