A Furious Sky over Mount Shasta Source: #MounShasta #MlkyWay #eepSky #Astrophotgraphy #Calfornia #olcano #NghtSky#Stars #ntares #RhoOhiuchi #ZetaOhiuchi #Suernova #egends Nature #Ladscape #AstroPhotgraphy #Stagazing#Space #Cosmos

A composite image of Mount Shasta, California, with the Milky Way Galaxy arching over the snow-capped peak. The vibrant colors of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex and the red emission nebula surrounding the star Zeta Ophiuchi are visible above the mountain, along with the bright orange star Antares. The image was taken during the blue hour and later that night with a two-panel panorama tracking the background sky.

IFN and the NGC 7771 Group Source: #GC7771 #galaygroup #galaxyinteaction #galaxmerger #egasus #eepsky #astrophotgraphy#space #asronomy cosmos #uiverse #integratedfluxebule #IFN #galacticirrus #spiragalaxy #edgeospiral #faceonspiral

A deep space image of the NGC 7771 galaxy group, located 200 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. The image reveals a large edge-on spiral galaxy (NGC 7771) near the center, with two smaller galaxies below it. A large spiral galaxy (NGC 7769) is seen face-on to the right.  The galaxies are interacting, causing distortions in their shapes and faint streams of stars created by their mutual gravitational tides.  The faint, dusty galactic cirrus clouds known as Integrated Flux Nebulae (IFN) are also visible in the image. The IFN reflect starlight from our own Milky Way Galaxy and lie only a few hundred light-years above the galactic plane.

Starry Night Castle Source: #astrophotgraphy #nghtsky #starynight #peiades #alebaran#comet castle#ruins sweden #mörycastle #theworlatnight #atronom #space #niverse #nightphoography #strgazing deepsky #galaxy

A silhouetted medieval castle tower stands against a dark night sky filled with stars, including the Pleiades star cluster, Aldebaran, and Comet Holmes. The castle, known as Mörby Castle, is located in Sweden near Lake Skedviken.

Trio Leo Source: #Leoriplet #GC368 #M6 #M65 #SpiralGlaxies #GalayGroup #AstroPhotgraphy #eepSky #Astrophotgraphy#Space Cosmos #Uiverse #NghtSky #Stargazing

A stunning view of the Leo Triplet, a group of three galaxies: NGC 3628 (seen edge-on, left), M66 (bottom right), and M65 (top). All three are spiral galaxies but look different due to their angle relative to Earth. The gravitational interactions between them have created telltale signs, including a warped NGC 3628 and drawn out spiral arms of M66. The field spans about one degree and covers over 500 thousand light-years at the trio's distance of 30 million light-years.

Stardust in Aries Source: #astrophotgraphy #eepsky nebula #strbirth #mlkyway#aries #epsilonrietis lbn762 lbn753 lbn743 #moleculrcloud #proostars #asronomy#space cosmos#night #sky

A mosaic image of a region in the northern sky, featuring dusty nebulae LBN762, LBN753, and LBN743, and the star Epsilon Arietis, all set against a backdrop of countless stars in the Milky Way. The image shows a vast expanse of cosmic dust and gas, highlighting the beauty and mystery of the universe.

The Lagoon Nebula in Hydrogen, Sulfur, and Oxygen Source: #LagooNebla #M8 #GC6523 Nebula #StarFomation #Sagitarius #AstroPhotgraphy#Space Cosmos #Asronomy #DeepSky

A vibrant, colorful panorama of the Lagoon Nebula (M8). This nebula is a hotbed of star formation, with many young stars visible within it. The nebula is located in the constellation Sagittarius, and can be seen with the naked eye. The image is enhanced to show the emissions of hydrogen (brown), sulfur (red), and oxygen (blue).

Sagittarius Triplet Source: #astrophotgraphy nebula#space #asronomy #mlkyway #sagitarus #8 #m20 #gc6559 #lagoonebula #trifinebula #stellarursery #eepsky cosmic #starynight #spacephotgraphy #universe

A stunning composite image showcasing three vibrant nebulae, M8 (the Lagoon Nebula), M20 (the Trifid Nebula), and NGC 6559, nestled within the star-studded expanse of the Milky Way galaxy.  These celestial nurseries, located about 5,000 light-years away, are painted in vivid hues of red and blue, a testament to the interplay of glowing hydrogen gas and reflected starlight. The image is a collaborative effort, combining data from multiple telescopes and cameras, highlighting the grandeur and intricate beauty of the cosmos.

Dust Pillar of the Carina Nebula Source: #space #asronomy nebula carina #strbirth hubbl #nasa #cience #uiverse #eepsky #herbg-haro #stelarjets cosmic #intertellar #starfomation #spaceexplration #cosmology

A close-up of a pillar of gas and dust in the Carina Nebula being eroded by a star within it.  The star, not visible in the image, is creating powerful jets of particles that are sculpting the pillar.  Over time, the star will completely destroy the pillar, but will also lead to the creation of a new open cluster of stars.  The image is a small portion of a larger mosaic taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

NGC 4314: A Nuclear Starburst Ring Source: #GC4314 #spiragalaxy #barrespiral #starfomation #asronomy#space galaxy cosmos hubble #teescope #cience #uiverse #eepsky #obsevatory #McDonaldObservatory

A close-up image of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4314 taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, revealing a ring of bright young stars that has been evolving over millions of years. The inset shows the entire galaxy, captured by the McDonald Observatory.  The galaxy's core appears like a miniature spiral galaxy with dust lanes and spiral arms.  Further studies of NGC 4314 will reveal how the inner and outer parts of this galaxy interact, and what caused the unusual ring of star formation.

Dust Clouds of the Pacman Nebula Source: #space #asronomy nebula#stars #starfomation #interstelardust #emissionebula #openluster IC1590 NGC281 #PacmaNebula #Boklobule #Casiopeia #comicart #eepsky #spacephotography

A colorful image of the Pac-Man Nebula (NGC 281), an emission nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. The nebula is home to a new open star cluster called IC 1590 and is sculpted by the high energy light and stellar winds from the stars within. The image shows the intricate interstellar dust structures within the nebula. A Bok Globule, a dark cloud of gas and dust, is seen on the upper left of the image. The Bok Globule could collapse to form a new star or stars.