nobody has built what is necessary for the better society. to clamor for destruction of structures that exist- fkdup as they most assuredly are!- before building even a communication network let alone means of feeding, sheltering +caring for ppl who will bear the brunt of upheaval= irresponsible af


Yes, arguably the difference was that the Jews had writing, a collective religious ideology and self-consciousness, and institutions that allowed the memory of that destruction to be preserved and eventually constitute a national identity.


We had Protect and Survive leaflets put through our door. Hiding under the table was one of the recommendations. We were minutes away from all out war and destruction in 1983. Scary times. Are they coming back?


Time to evacuate is running out as Hurricane Milton closes in on Florida. @AssociatedPress has the latest: "The Tampa Bay area, home to more than 3.3 million people, faced the possibility of widespread destruction after avoiding direct hits from major hurricanes for more than a century. The […]


A more in-depth summary of the world and its history that I can't put here properly due to text limits.

More detailed lore summary:
It's been 50 Aeons since the end of a nearly milennia-long conflict that lead to both destruction and innovation. The original purpose or instigating factors of the war remain lost to history, with many of the scars having long since healed in the pain they endured throughout. Sadly, the effects of this war are still being felt far and wide, with many of its veterans and survivors still living with the trauma they experienced during it.

As of the current Aeon of 6C 67 (6th Cycle, 67th Aeon aka 6067 Aeons since the Reformation), Aemissum is currently entering its Second Industrial Age: An era regarded by many as a golden age due to the many technological, academic, scientific and societal advancements that have been achieved: The monarchies of the old world have been reformed as republics due to many questioning the rule of a monarch/nobility, nations are slowly becoming more industrialized and developed; Airships and aeroplanes dominate the skies and massiv

She doesn't have to worry about becoming president unless joebiden dies soon. Trumps lies will win him the election again. Americans seem to have forgotten the destruction within America donald induced among us.


Threads drinking game: drink every time you feel the oppressive horror of imminent apocalyptic destruction


@ABC: "Death and destruction are everywhere. I have lost count of the amount of people I know who have died." Reporter's Notebook: After a year of war in Gaza, we ask every day if it will be our last.


Absolument. Les gens qui avancent que les pertes civiles et la destruction de quartiers entiers de Beyrouth dans la chasse au Hezbollah sont justifiées méritent de se cogner le petit orteil dans leur table de nuit chaque matin au réveil...


Six thousand Aeons ago, a great war would lead to the firing of weapons known as Spirit Cannons, weapons powered by the sacrifice of living sapient beings that led to mutually assured destruction. This war would be known as the "Final Human War" amongst modern scholars and historians.