BLUE It's now live & the protocol is on the above link. We are working on a EasyRead & widget PES with our PPI groups 😊


Shame that there is no EasyRead version or supporting materials, or a way of submitting non-narrative responses. Will make it harder than it needs to be for those with additional needs.


The Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry: July Pānui / Newsletter is now online. The Note this Easy Read talks about abuse.

Make it Easy branded tile showing the cover and first page of the Crown Response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry: July Pānui / Newsletter -Statements from the Government in response tot he release of the final report from the Royal Commission of Inquiry – Abuse in Care. The cover has the Crown Response and Easy Read logos and an image of a person reading a document.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand wants to hear what you have to say about digital cash. Digital cash would be a new type of money as well as banknotes / coins and the money in your bank account.

Make it Easy branded tile with Cover page images of 2 Easy Read translations; it has the Reserve Bank NZ and
Easy Read logos. The first Easy Read
document is called Information about digital cash in New Zealand and has a picture of money on phones and two people connecting their phones. The second has the money on phones image along with an image of a hand ticking a box in a survey. It is called Digital cash in New Zealand survey.

The Ministry for Disabled People – Whaikaha now has Easy Read information on their website about the recent changes announced to disability support services. You can find the

Tile showing the cover and first page of Easy Read information called Fact sheet for people getting disability support services; it has the Ministry of Disabled People – Whaikaha logo and the Easy Read logo, with an image of two people seated at a table.

Not on this platform. Yet. On all things #EasyRead#LeichteSprache, I recommend following Elke Wildraut, who works for the City of Munich, on LinkedIn. She shares good content and resources there.


Auckland Council wants Aucklanders to have their say about the Representation Review Auckland. You can find

Image of an Easy Read translation called How to answer the Representation Review Auckland feedback form. It has the Auckland Council and Easy Read logos and an image of Auckland city in the middle of the cover page.

Sorry I should have been more clear too. Is there a link to the toolkit? Are there #accessible#EasyRead, and text based for those of use who don't read images?