They're turning off the secondary water tomorrow so I'm giving my garden one last drink. It might freeze later this week so I'll have to pick whatever tomatoes are starting to ripen in a few days.

Flowering cosmos plants with a hose partially visible in the shrubbery

I wonder if fall leaf color was a consideration in developing popular cv’s - or if it varies geographically? p sure this is ‘Cherokee Chief’

a flowering dogwood showing red and purple fall color
close up of red and purple dogwood leaves

Plant of the day #potd 🌱 is New England asters which are wonderful in late fall as all other flowering plants senesce


Neither did I! And the flower is so tiny it could be easily missed. Plus, this time of the 🥶 year seems all wrong for flowering


Testing image quality


Google on Monday signed a deal to get electricity from small nuclear reactors to help power artificial intelligence.

A vibrant three-dimensional sculpture of the Google logo is prominently displayed in the foreground. The logo consists of a large, rounded letter "G" made up of four colorful segments: red at the top, yellow on the right, green at the bottom, and blue on the left. Behind the sculpture, there is a glass-fronted modern building with a sloped roof, suggesting a contemporary architectural style. Lush greenery with flowering plants fills the area around the logo, contributing to a bright and inviting atmosphere. The sky is clear and sunny, enhancing the overall vibrant colors of the scene. The image captures a moment in time at Google's campus, symbolizing innovation and technological advancement. In the corner, there is a small logo reading "AFP," along with the name "Justin Sullivan" indicating the photographer.

Anthopterus schultzeae from Ecuador and Peru flowering in my collection today. Judging by the “ae” ending, this is presumably named after the intrepid Hertha Schultze-Rhonhoff who together with her husband collected plants in Ecuador 1935-39. 🌱🌴

Greenish urn-shaped flowers in small clusters.  this is a tropical member of the blueberry/rhododendron family.

After a week of unseasonably warm days and not-so-cool nights, color emerges slowly. 🍁🌱

A coral bark maple turning fabulously gold and orange against a bright blue sky.
A baby pink-flowering dogwood shows off its fire-engine red fall foliage against a backdrop of blue sky and evergreen trees.
Epimedium leaves covered with red spots. A more subtle, but no less beautiful autumn display.
In dappled sunlight, a green barberry by summer turns absolutely brilliant red, green and gold in fall.

What’s flowering at The Fuchsietum? Fuchsia 'Cambridge Louie'. A single hardy upright from C.W. Napthen in the UK in 1978.

Fuchsia 'Cambridge Louie'.