Such a wonderful wrap-up of the first Intl #GovDesign#Helsinki 2024 conference day: a Dinner & Stories evening — hosted by Aalto University, led by Anni Leppänen and Sabine Junginger. For the main course, we talk about our paths as designers and the legacies of our organisations.

A large group of people sitting at long, communal tables in a modern indoor setting. The space has high ceilings, glass walls, and a well-lit, industrial aesthetic. The tables are arranged in rows, and the participants appear to be engaged in conversation while eating meals. The event seems casual yet organized, with some individuals focused on their food and others talking to their tablemates. There are plants placed around the space, adding a natural touch to the environment. Overall, it appears to be a community gathering or a shared dining experience in a spacious, contemporary venue.

Doing so would help facilitate survey work and contribute towards identifying and assisting affected individuals. This should be done as part of wider awareness-raising over the lasting humanitarian and environmental legacy of the Secret War in Laos. 7/7

New data on Agent Orange use during the US’s Secret War in Laos - CEOBS
New data on Agent Orange use during the US’s Secret War in Laos - CEOBS

Declassified spy satellite imagery can now help us track potential dioxin exposures from the use of Agent Orange in Laos.


Identifying potentially exposed communities and individuals is particularly important because the use of Agent Orange in #Laos#Vietnam. We have already shared the data with health researchers on the ground. 5/7


Air Quality Alert issued October 1 at 10:29AM MDT by NWS Riverton WY Additional Details Here.

The following message is transmitted on behalf of the Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, and the
Wyoming Department of Health.

* WHAT...Air Quality Alert for Wildfire Smoke.

* WHERE..Upper Wind River Basin, including Dubois.

* WHEN...11 AM MDT Tuesday to 1 PM MDT Wednesday.

* IMPACTS...Smoke from the Pack Trail and Fish Creek Wildfires
continues to cause poor air quality downwind of the wildfires.

HEALTH INFORMATION...The Wyoming Department of Health recommends
that the elderly, young children, and individuals with respiratory
problems avoid excessive physical exertion and minimize outdoor
activities during this time. Wildfire smoke is made up of a variety
of pollutants, including particulate matter and ozone, which can
cause respiratory health effects. Although these people are most
susceptible to health impacts, the Department of Health also advises
that everyone should avoid prolonged exposure to poor air quality

CURRENT CONDITIONS...The Wyoming Department of Environmental
Quality, Air Quality Division offers near real-time air quality data
for Wyoming's monitoring stations and health effects information to
help the public interpret current conditions. Current air quality
conditions across the state of Wyoming can be found at

There's so much similarities to sexual corruption I've experienced professionally working in the media with the events of Diddy take down. They both involved individuals manipulating parasocial relationships , public gaze and black mail materials to achieve goals.


I think so! It exposes a blindspot that I *hope* could be explained away to individuals. Takes a ton of work, but in most cases it would be helpful.


Idk if it’s political convenience or ignorance that this myth that it’s only poor white people fighting and dying in American wars persists. Study after study has shown that minorities and middle/upper-class individuals serve and take casualties at comparable rates (even in Vietnam for example)


An international study published in The Lancet, involving scientists from the University of Coimbra, highlights that Body Mass Index and Waist-to-Height Ratio can help distinguish individuals with and without a diagnosis of high blood pressure (hypertension). #UCoimbra#Research

Study published in The Lancet suggests indicators to help accurately diagnose high blood pressure
Study published in The Lancet suggests indicators to help accurately diagnose high blood pressure

The research, involving the University of Coimbra, shows that BMI and waist-to-height ratio help identify individuals with and without high blood pressure, but warns of regional differences.


Heat Advisory issued October 1 at 8:46AM PDT until October 2 at 11:00PM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA Additional Details Here.

* WHAT...Temperatures up to 95 along the coast and up to 105
across the North Bay interior valleys.

* WHERE...North Bay interior valleys, North Bay Coast, San
Francisco Peninsula Coastline, Monterey Bay, and Big Sur Coast.

* WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT Wednesday.

* IMPACTS...Moderate-to-Major HeatRisk. This level of heat
affects most individuals sensitive to heat, especially those
without effective cooling and/or adequate hydration.