It really is that serious, folks. Please be kind to one another, especially now. Vote in November up and down the ballot, but know that as the probability of #KingTrump increases, we must learn to rely on each other and our community for protection. (1/3)


So much for American democracy. This bodes badly for the entire world, not just the US. The planet is on fire with climate change, wars, corruption, genocide, waste, poverty, floods, drought, corporate greed, fascism, racism, misogyny etc, and now we might get KingTrump? Make it stop please.


Mike Johnson was in court today to Smell the Royal Diaper, because kissing the ring is sooooo 18th century. Apparently King Trump's rabid attack dog, Empty G, scared him more than we thought. #ProfilesInCowardice#KingTrump#DonSnoreleone

Donald Trump stands before his throne on a raised dais while Mike Johnson grovels on the ground, begging "Please master, Let me smell the royal diaper!"

Stink lines denote that King Trump had a busy day filling things out in court.

A box of pampers sits at the back of the throne room, while a sippy cup sits on the high chair arm attached to the throne's arm rest. McDonalds wrappers litter the floor, as does a spilled bottle of ketchup.

A lone McNugget sits uneaten outside of its box.

On the wall is a giant Russian flag with an American flag hastily duct taped upside down over it.