And so CXC 2024 is a-wrappin'. My curiosity to know and participate from this comics event coming from overseas has been much fulfilled. Got to know many online contacts in person and made some new ones. Now hoping to have some quiet time to recap and write on the whole thing.

CXC Presentation by "New Kid" author Jerry Craft. He is a likable guy and actually said he liked my characters (I gave away a postcard and stickers to anyone who I talked to)
Panoramic view of CXC 2024's show floor. Rather small in size compared to other comic cons, but this is also not your average comic con either. Many indie offerings and artists showing up.
View of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum lobby at an awards reception last Friday.
Private tour inside the Museum's Vaults where we were shown some of their ungodly vast collection of cartoon art originals from all over the world.

Looking for a more panoramic view a few minutes walk away. #BrelephantAndCastle

Panorama view over a hilly, green landscape with pasture, hedges and a reservoir in the background. Cloudy grey sky with a single blue spot. In the foreground, below the photographer, a double unit class 150 passing.

Good seats still available at Target Field for the last MNTwins game of 2024.

Panoramic photo of 1/3 full, at best, Target Field

The harbor is pretty

Boston harbor panoramic photo

moonset. Still in sunlight though, the International Space Station crossed from the western horizon and Earth's largest artificial moon traced the bright flat arc through the sky over 400 km above. Simply constructed, the well-planned panoramic scene was captured over a 5 minutes in a series of


A View from Earth's Shadow Source: #LnarEclipse #TotalLnarElipse #ISS #InternationalSaceStation #uneOfPiat #France #Astrohotograph #NightSky #Spacehotography #arthShadw #Monset #Sky#SandDues #Nature #hotography #PhotographyOfTheDay

A panoramic view of the Dune of Pilat in France during a total lunar eclipse on May 16. The moon is in the upper right corner of the image, partially obscured by the earth's shadow. The International Space Station is visible as a bright, flat arc across the sky. The image was captured over 5 minutes using a series of consecutive images.

Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. Metropolitan Hospital, Blackwell's Island: Metropolitan Hospital, New York City: Prospective View of Hospital: "Part I. of panoramic view."

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Transfer from the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Social Museum Collection

Neat, thanks! I've been especially interested in your color panoramic landscapes of the Japanese (& similar) mountains. If there's one of those that you're particularly proud of, then I think that'd be it! 😄