I preferred the radio version with Alan Partridge's Sports Desk interrupted by the announcement of war "SHUT UP ALAN! I WANT YOU TO STOP!" and its Steve Wright spoof, Wayne Carr In The Afternoon - "We're not allowed to play Puff The Magic Dragon as it reminds everyone of flamethrowers!"


Having nothing at all instead of something not quite right, one is certainly preferred


got my first AI-generated google result today, and I'm pleased to report it's complete garbage

AI Overview
Input randomness and output randomness are two types of randomness in games that differ in the order in which they occur in relation to a player's decision: 

    Input randomness
    Players are given some randomness before making a decision, such as randomly drawn cards or tiles. For example, in Puerto Rico or Agricola, players are given face-up cards or tiles before making a decision. 

Output randomness
Players make a decision, and then some randomness occurs after that decision, such as a dice roll or card draw. For example, in Risk or Memoir '44, players choose how many troops to position and which dice to roll, but the outcome is determined by the dice roll. 

Output randomness can determine whether a player's strategy succeeds or fails. Some say that input randomness is generally preferred because it makes players feel strategic and clever. However, others say that randomness can add fun and replayability to a game if it's done right.
0 A public opinion survey completed in August for Imbleau’s Crown corporation found a majority of respondents — 58 per cent of those from Quebec and 57 per cent from Ontario — said they preferred a faster but more expensive train over a slower, less costly option.

Toronto to Montreal in 3 hours? Canada might be finally ready to build a high speed rail line — but how fast it will be remains an open question
Toronto to Montreal in 3 hours? Canada might be finally ready to build a high speed rail line — but how fast it will be remains an open question

In the coming weeks, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet is expected to choose which of three groups of private companies will get to help design and build a new passenger


Pup walk today 🍄📸 Took a new trial on one of my preferred trials. What an ordeal ! I ended up in a swamp but along the way


And I would have preferred Bones to spend the majority of the film in his disco gear stubbornly refusing to shave or wear a uniform because he didn't want to come back into space. I read somewhere he was actually meant to have been picked up from a farm. A disco farm apparently


Going to Panama City, Panama next week, does anyone have any recommendations? This is for & my free time is limited, so stuff within the city is preferred


In trying to decide what that API would look like I reversed the old CC “OLESupport” module. Lots of bugs! No wonder I implemented OLE manually in Vantage (including preferred editors). The External Edit protocol isn’t quite right either. Yet another protocol to be designed. 😢


I don't regret doing 23andMe because of all the info of that nature it let me get out of Promethease, but I would definitely have preferred to have a nanopore friend.


I've shortened my real name to my preferred nickname at work or wherever its necessary, and everywhere else I'm Bryan, even my psych calls me that :3 yoyr name is what you want to be referred to as, no one else has to hear it as much as you after all 💛