mas eu fui inspirada por uma fanart da Ilíada que eu vi semana passada e decidi que ia desenhar a Penélope com base em vestígios micênicos, ela foi inspirada em afrescos da civilização em especial do sítio arqueológico chamado "palácio de nestor de pylos"


Day 8 of #ClassicsTober24: Eritha One of my favorite Mycenaean Linear B tablets from Pylos, over 3,000 years old, mentions two priestesses, Eritha and Karpathia, who failed to meet the terms of their landholdings.

FIG. 10 Female head from Mycenae – goddess, priestess? National Museum of Archaeology, Athens, Greece.
PY Ep 704. Mycenaean Linear B tablet, National Archaeological Museum in Athens.

ClassicsTober 9 Eritha, Mycenean priestess, c.1180 BC. She is mentioned in a Linear B inscription on an accidentally-fired clay tablet from Pylos, which records a proprty dispute between Eritha and local government. I've drawn her writing her name. #ClassicsTober24


#ClassicsTober24 Day 9: Eritha. Another person new to me (and not the last), which just shows how there's always stuff to learn. Eritha was a priestess in Pylos in the Late Bronze Age who got involved in a legal dispute. A drawing of the tablet that mentions her is shown here.

A drawing of a tablet from Pylos, covered in Linear B script. Yeah, it looks like squiggles to me too.

#ClassicsTober24 Day 9. Eritha Picked by Dr Emily Hauser, Classicist and Historical and Mythological Fiction Author

#ClassicsTober24 Day 9. Eritha 

Picked by Dr Emily Hauser , Classicist and Historical and Mythological Fiction Author
(c. 1180 BCE) Eritha (𐀁𐀫𐀲, er-i-ta) was a Mycenaean Priestess, probably of Potnia (meaning ‘mistress’ or ‘lady’, likely an important earth goddess), at Sphagianes, a religious centre near the palatial centre Pylos. Details about her and her life come from the clay Linear B tablets found in the archive room at Pylos, meant to be temporary but accidentally preserved when fired as the citadel of Pylos burned down c. 1200 – c. 1180 BCE.
Eritha was an elevated member of society, held the more prominent of two known priestess positions in the area, was socially important, seemed to have a large degree of financial independence, and was in charge of at least fourteen others, possibly servants who assisted with the collection and distribution of religious items and offerings. One of the main pieces of information gleaned from the tablets is about her dispute with the local damos (village community) about her landholdings. It is also the longest intact sentence in Mycenaean Greek (on tablet PY Ep 704), and the first known European legal dispute.

I'll be at the University of Cincinnati for this event on the 3-4 of October, talking about The Palace of Nestor at Pylos IV.1 It will be live-streamed on Zoom; see


Pylos é um meistre da Cidadela enviado para servir Stannis Baratheon em Pedra do Dragão. Eventual substituto de Cressen. Muito solene e educado, não tem mais de vinte e cinco anos. É inteligente, diligente, bem-intencionado e corajoso, enxerga que o valor de um homem é maior que o seu nascimento.