Noo Fae ‘The Sair Finger’ poem aboot a bairn wi a skelf in his haund an the wifie taein it oot wi a needle. “Noo jist you haud it that wey til ah get ma specs an see.” Bairns ootside ay got skelfs sclimmin pailins or fae auld bits o wid. @creativescots @scotslanguage #scotstober


Living is a Problem is the sixth book featuring the Skelfs from Doug Johnstone If you want to support both an indie bookshop and an indie publisher, you can sign up to the Orenda Books subscription at Bert's, collect all their fab books! Doug is at 4 this month!


Today's book choice is Living is a Problem by Doug Johnstone. Hooray, the Skelfs are back! 😁 #AmReading#BookSky#Books


I've got the condition known as skelf thumb, it's when my thumb has skelfs (skelves?) embedded in it, causing it to redden and swell. I'll just have to bear it with dignity.


📕Living is a Problem by Doug Johnstone 📕 📚Published by Orenda Books 📚 Tour kicks off today for the next instalment of the Skelfs; I’m doing a GIVEAWAY on my stop (23rd September ) so watch this space 😊


Just finished #ADarkMatter#Skelfs crime series and I'm hooked. Highly readable and engaging with strong, well-rounded, characters and an Edinburgh back drop


I also LOVED the Skelfs cameo 🙌🏼


A feel fur thon wee Lewis keelies stuck in Lunnon Goggle-e’ed wi chowin the taps aff their shields, Haimseek fur Norroway ower the faem. —Jim Alison, “Ingaunees” A

by Jim Alison

This chaumert cairn kists bitties
O oor bricht an battert past—
A things that Scots hae keepit or drappit or lost
Or couldna tak wi them when they deed
Or went awa for guid.

Dootless there’s ither grand ingaunees ootby
In Russia, India an sic fremmit fields
Whaur gangrel skelfs an shards o Scotland skinkle
Or gether stoor on shelves.

A feel fur thon wee Lewis keelies stuck in Lunnon
Goggle-e’ed wi chowin the taps aff their shields,
Haimseek fur Norroway ower the faem.
One of the Lewis Chessmen. Carved from walrus ivory, probably in the 12th century. This chesspiece depicts an armoured warrior – quilted armour or perhaps chain-mail is suggested by diagonal cross-hatched lines inscribed into the long coat, which also forms a hood over the character's head. He holds a full-length kite-shaped shield in front of him, bearing an X-shaped cross made of four interwoven lines. Holding a sword in his right hand, clutched close against his body, the warrior's outsized face stares over the top of the shield. His top set of teeth are visible, chewing at the shield-top in Berserker battle-frenzy.

Der 2. Roman über die Frauen der Familie Skelf in Edinburgh – Bestatterinnen & Detektivinnen. Doug Johnstone ist einer der aktuell besten Krimiautoren. "Der Bruch" kann ich gar nicht genug empfehlen. Aber auch die zwei finsteren, authentischen Bücher über die Skelfs sind hervorragend. Out tomorrow!

Hardcover auf Holztisch: Doug Johnstone: Eingefrorenm Polar Verlag. Das Cover zeigt die Perspektive von jemanden, der in einem offenen Grab zugeschaufelt wird, Erde rieselt von der Schaufel