Sometimes socializing is like that, if I get your meaning.


Socializing mit den Grundschuleltern: 👍🏻😄🤭 Socializing mit den Gymnasialeltern: 😶🫥


Hello there! I'm Neko, a non-biney masc presenting nerdlinger. I like cats and video games. My grandma has 24 cats and most of my childhood was spent socializing with cats and playing my Gameboy. In short I have the social skills of a cat and an extensive background playing games.


Every year PhD students of the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling interrupt working on their PhD projects to spend three days all together with their advisors, present and discuss their current progress. Socializing with this diverse group of PhDs is also great fun!


Hugs* feel ya there, sorta, I just suck at socializing irl.


Since we can finally pin skeets (no, I am never calling them posts) I am once again hammering this on my feed:Since we can finally pin skeets (no, I am never calling them posts) I am once again hammering this on my feed:

Text from a skeet: 

 One of the big rules I have personally is
 "I don't date online", and what this
 means is that any serious-non-jokey
 flirting I'm only going to do is face-to-
 face or if someone TELLS ME
 DIRECTLY that they are romantically
 interested in me.
 This was my pinned post on the Old
An old tweet from Twitter: 

 I really wish I had a badge for
 everyone to behold online that says
 "I am not talking to you a lot to flirt
 with you, l just have ADHD & PTSD,
 so l hyperfixate my socializing to a
 few people at a time that have
 proven not to be abusive."
Text from 2 follow-up skeets: 

 I've been in kink communities, polyam
 communities, and am friends & peers
 with sex workers, and absolutely all of
 that teaches you "friendliness +
 romantic interest." Sometimes people
 are just comfortable around you
 because, well, you're comfortable to
 be around. Which is pretty great on its
 And I get being bad at social cues. **I**
 am bad at social cues (hence the
 whole "you gotta tell me if you like me
 in a sexy way before I like you back"
 thing.) But it seems like a better idea if
 you know that to err on the side of
 "this person enjoys me" rather than
 "this person is hot for me."

All while being overwhelmed by socializing. Masking procedures bring apathy and frustration and someone (me) is going to cry about all of it. Trying to give my child what I had in the semblance of family gathering is awful. I owe my mom an apology, this shit is hard, she had full right to flip out


Not to be mean, but this is why I block minors. There are certain spaces and subjects that I am not comfortable socializing with unknown children on. Yeesh.


i think that rest is like, a really really important as part of transition. i basically wasnt socializing or dating at all before transition, which is not other peoples experience. starting from scratch is harder !