Southerners, help me out here. If you invite someone to dinner knowing they have a common dietary restriction, do you: A) Take their one dietary restriction into consideration and either make a meal all can enjoy or prepare theirs separately with modifications B) Have them bring their own food


this dude on tiktok really said that southerners need to be "convinced" to not vote against their own self interests. meanwhile, ive lived in the technical south for a bit over a year and ive had far more access to mutual aid and socialized programs than i ever had in the northeast.


For 2nd one, remember, the thing we hear most often is what we think is true most of the time. Imagine ads with two white southerners saying stuff like, "Man, why are you so down on trans people? We should mind our own business." "What have billionaires ever done for us? They don't even work!"


A four-year war between the US & 11 Southern states that seceded frm the Union & formed the Confederate States of America. 75% of southerners didn’t own slaves. So many lives were lost because of wealthy ppl's involvement in owning slaves. Epstein and Trump continued reprehensible human trafficking.


Jesus Christ, like I get we fit a lot of stereotypes but how many southerners are in the “rename the bases back to secessionist traitors” voter base? Like it can’t be a huge number of folks that actually care about this.


I'd say Georgia is the same. The backwardness of our sister states of Alabama and Mississippi might be due to a relative dearth of such an influx of non-Southerners. Too much homogeneity in a population is a weakness in a number of ways.


Virginia has been pulled out of the 1800s by many years of non-southerners moving in. When I got here in the ‘70s, it was like the Civil War could start again any minute and they thought they’d win it.


At ridiculous number of Southerners claim to have Native American ancestry, yet are just as caucasian as any Englishman is. Where I live, it is primarily claims of being part Cherokee. Very unlikely, given that they were driven out en masse by Andrew Jackson and the greedy white men who wanted gold.


Many Southerners and Southwesterners of that generation were raised within a segregated educational system. I don't think younger generations talk about that enough. Not everyone in a generation is the same, but, in conversations I've had, I see how American segregation shaped conservative views.


As southerners say, “Well, bless her heart!” 🙄