Since my former mutual decided to block me after explaining it isn't fucking cool to virtual signal shame your friends, I'll share my response. I loved with food insecurity and farming to survive, don't guilt me for FANTASIES. This ain't good faith, this is being a jerk


Part 1 2/2

Our device then begins to emit a blue glow, which Crowne comments that rumours about individual level teleportation are true. Apparently teleportation equipment is super large and expensive so this technology is groundbreaking and will certainly not go awry at all. They mention the teleportation also won't teleport you if an object already exists in the area and is confined to where the examination is taking place. This hero license exam is open to the public with people acting as heroes and observer transforming them but not offering advice. They will be judged on their actions. Heroes will either play the role of citizens or villains. Our MC is on standby meaning that they get to relax and watch the exam. So with that, Parallel Flight uses the teleportation technology to go to the dining area.
After admiring how amazing the tech is and the interior design. We decide to go get refreshments. And sure enough our terminal goes awry and teleports us away with the rest of the crew being none the wiser.

Pubraseer and the Infinite Radness Part 1: Beam Me Up Thottie -END

this is why i built a teleportation machine that only i can use


I think it's hilarious that a significant component of my job involves putting on a headset that goes "bweeeooop!" and then I use hand gestures and teleportation controls to look at my work If I described that to someone fifty years ago they'd think I'm being a sarcastic asshole


Ruddy heck. It’s like Bradley Walsh and Catherine Tate took a jaunt together in Seth Brundle’s teleportation gizmo.


Interstellar space travel? Teleportation? Give it a couple years, and clean water & safety from roaming warbands will be out of reach.


How do we get there? Has anyone invented teleportation yet?


In case you wonder if teleportation is better than flying, it's not. To teleport one human would require ~6,000x the world total energy supply, and would take 4.85x10¹⁵ years (i.e., ~350,000x longer than the universe has existed). It's faster to bike.

Teleportation: will it ever be a possibility?
Teleportation: will it ever be a possibility?

Instant travel seems further away than when Captain Kirk first reanimated, but scientists are fighting to make it happen


Why is ice slippery? Why don’t we fall over on bicycles? How is gravity so weak and yet is everywhere? And there’s the whole business of yawning 😄 Magic is much easier, because stuff like teleportation just works rather than worrying about 4-dimensional maths across a universe in constant motion.


Mainly teleportation, and cabs. One character Luc bikes and lives on a riverboat