So the films in competition at SLA are Ghost Cat Anzu, The Colors Within, Totto-chan, and Trapezium.


to condense and form planets. This disk, however, is unfortunate enough to lie in the Trapezium, which is also home to several immense, bright stars. These bright stars emit light so powerful it boils away the gas and dust in planet-forming disks. Large Jupiter-like planets will probably never form


Trapezium: Teardrops in My Skies Credit: Source: #atronom #space #niverse#nebula #starfrmation #tapezium planets #explanets science #astrophoograpy #nsa #eo #jwst#cosmic #dscovey #str #dst #gas #telescope

An image of the Trapezium region in the Orion Nebula, taken by the Very Large Telescope's  Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE) instrument.  The teardrop-shaped object just right of center is a protoplanetary disk about the size of our own Solar System.  The disk is being illuminated by the powerful light from nearby stars.  The disk is racing against time to form planets before the radiation from the nearby stars destroys it.

nebula's young stars, many still surrounded by dusty, planet-forming disks. Orion's young stars are only about 1 million years old, compared to the Sun's age of 4.6 billion years. The region's hottest stars are found in the Trapezium Cluster, the brightest cluster near picture center. Spitzer's


Spitzer's Orion Source: #OrioNebula #SpitzerSpaceTeescope #Stellarursery #StrBirth #InfraredAsronomy #CosmiWonder #SpaceExplration #Astrohysics Galaxy #TrapeziumCluster

A false-color infrared image of the Orion Nebula, a region of star formation about 1,500 light-years away. The image was captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope and shows the Trapezium Cluster, a group of hot, young stars, as well as the dusty disks around other young stars, where planets are forming.

And the wording for the area of a trapezium could do with being changed too


Tickets are all booked for Scotland Loves Animation 2024! Kyle and I are seeing A Few Moments of Cheers in Glasgow as we'll miss the Edinburgh screening. We are seeing The Colors Within, Look Back, Ghost Cat Anzu and Trapezium in Edinburgh. Can't wait to see friends and watch some great films!


expelled by a strong outer wind of particles. The Trapezium and other forming star clusters are embedded in the nebula. The intricate filaments of dust surrounding M42 and M43 appear brown in the featured image, while central glowing gas is highlighted in red. Over the next few million years much of


Dust of the Orion Nebula Source: #rionNebula #StrFormation CosmcDust #M42#Trapezium #Astrohotogrphy #Spac #Unierse #NASA#Astronom #NightSy #Science #Galaxy

A stunning image of the Orion Nebula (M42), a star-forming region located about 1600 light years away. The nebula is surrounded by intricate filaments of dust, which appear brown in the image. The central glowing gas is highlighted in red. The Trapezium star cluster, a group of young, hot stars, is embedded within the nebula. The image was taken by Raul Villaverde Fraile.