Once they get to Voyager 6, everything clicks as in the film. It even re-surfaces Iliaā€”who has studied the Earth space programsā€”but Vger snatches her back Rather than it going into a ā€œblack holeā€ as in the film, Decker says V6 went into a ā€œtime continuumā€ which is kinda a lateral technobabble move.


Compared with all this drama, Spockā€™s report and epiphany is pretty much as in the film, as is the standoff over Earth. The increasingly smooth working relationship between Kirk, Spock, and Decker is what allows them to bluff Ilia-probe/Vger, and the trust that Uhura et al have for Kirk pays off too


So we got Deckerā€™s side of the story and itā€™s actually kind of a heartbreaker So Deltan sex is REALLY so good because of the involuntary telepathic merging of the partners. Decker reasoned that if Ilia-probe was so precise, sex might let HIM contact VGER. Keep in mind itā€™s hours from nuking Earth.


It kind of would love to kill everyone but realizes it doesnā€™t understand them yet, so per its directive, IT CANā€™T. Yet. Picture the whole time Enterprise is in VGer it rocking on its hands and knees chanting ā€œitā€™s okay, I can kill them later! Itā€™s okay, I can kill them later!ā€


we have a radio station here called VGER of something like that and everytime I hear the call signal my brain flashes TROUBLE


I think it was really rude of Vger to not transmit all it's data before ascending to a higher plane of existence