An Ebay listing for a ps5 pro 30th anniversary bundle for 5000 dollars
A depicition of scaphism, featuring a dying / decomposing guy trapped on a boat covered by another boat, festering maggots around his head, hands, and legs sticking out
Wikipedia entry for Scaphism, reads as follows:  Scaphism (from Greek σκάφη, meaning "boat"),[1] also known as the boats, is reported by Plutarch in his Life of Artaxerxes as an ancient Persian method of execution. He describes the victim being trapped between two small boats, one inverted on top of the other, with limbs and head sticking out, feeding them and smearing them with milk and honey, and allowing them to fester and be devoured by insects and other vermin over time. Plutarch's report originates from a source considered dubious.

I invite people to read Wikipedia. Or even just watch a YouTube history.


According to Wikipedia (!) her dad was a doctor and her mum a professor. What kind of ‘not much money’ is that?


hi ich kenn dich von wikipedia


A few years ago, me having a long-term interest (since childhood, driven by grandparents stories, movies on TV etc) in WW2, I was reading a Wikipedia article about Dachau and suddenly noticed the Wiki file had a list - of Dachau subcamps. And then I noticed that other major concentration camps (1)


Wikipedia helpfully notes that the "presence of limbs or lack thereof is unrelated." Which. Uh. Yes? I did not think daruma ended up as slang for sex workers bc the ladies in the past were all limbless like a daruma. 3/3


Tudo começou quando criei um artigo sobre o candidato a prefeito de Ouro Preto, Du Evangelista. Era uma tentativa de garantir que todos os candidatos tivessem uma representação justa e completa na Wikipédia.

Desinformação, Wikipédia, Fascismo: como a Wikipédia espelha o fascismo e desvaloriza seus editores
Desinformação, Wikipédia, Fascismo: como a Wikipédia espelha o fascismo e desvaloriza seus editores

Após uma década atuando como editor voluntário na Wikipédia, com todo o estresse que essa função carrega, tive um dos dias mais…


都民の日 - Wikipedia > 都民の日(とみんのひ)とは、日本の東京都が1952年に制定した記念日のひとつで、毎年10月1日である


Vc é viciado em dados, né? Se ninguém colocou numa planilha, não existe. Bom argumento. O fato de vc concordar ou ser algo natural pra vc não faz com que algo não exista. Isso é algo amplamente debatido na imprensa. tem verte em wikipedia, há legislações há respeito. Mas não existe não. Claro


Daily Chat 9/30 ⚾ Off Day Good morning, r/Dodgers! Team Website Wikipedia Article of the Day: Major League Baseball relocations of 1950s–1960s – Wikipedia…

Daily Chat 9/30 ⚾ Off Day
Daily Chat 9/30 ⚾ Off Day

Good morning, r/Dodgers! Team Website Wikipedia Article of the Day: Major League Baseball relocations of 1950s–1960s - Wikipedia