Klervi Dorfsman describes her process of learning to read a complex text in Yiddish through producing visual art. "All of a sudden, a few of the characters had faces and expressions. I was forced to make stylistic choices… I started noticing accents, vocabulary, humor!"

Learning Yiddish through Illustrating Itsik Manger's Megile lider: The Active Mind and Creative Process as a Textual Learning Aid Via Visual Art | In geveb
Learning Yiddish through Illustrating Itsik Manger's Megile lider: The Active Mind and Creative Process as a Textual Learning Aid Via Visual Art | In geveb

In geveb is an open-access digital forum for the publication of peer-reviewed academic articles, the translation and annotation of Yiddish texts, the exchange of pedagogical materials, and a blog of…


The Communist Antipasto A Macaroon of One’s Own The Yiddish Policeman’s Onion The Emperor of All Saladies


Before it gained its current meaning, “hoohah” was a Yiddish-English interjection, but it’s contextual. (“Was that train crowded? Hoohah!” “There’s a big birthday party on Thursday. Hoohah!”) ALSO HI DEX!!!!!


And Gayle and the other Black dude just sat there in silence. To use a Yiddish term, this is a shanda


He had fled Ukraine ~30 years earlier, already trained as a typographer. He set books in Yiddish, Hebrew, English, and Russian. He courted and married his brother’s secretary. Had three daughters. Bought a house. Rose in his union and his community. 4/


I love how a plot point for ATLA was a little kid being gone for a hundred years, then coming back and using his old slang like nothing had changed. This is how I feel when I call someone a shvindler in Yiddish.

1 & I are getting ready to record Wayward Children podcast #24 on Jewish Curses. I've got a glass of Kummel on ice and a pile of show notes on Yiddish curse expressions, gravestone curses, dream curses, anti-Hitler curses & the infamous Pulse De-Nura assassination curse

"On Air" graphic

Zis!! I picked it up from the Yiddish Book Center a few months back and thought I’d crack it open while I waited for my next grammar class to start next month :)


Make a book title edible Alice's Adventures in Wonder Bread All Quiet on the Western Omelet Harry Pot Roast and the Goblet of Phyllo Let Us All Braise Famous Men The Mill on the Candy Floss Olive Twist A Separate Pizza Silas Marinara Tarragon With the Wind The Yiddish Policemen's Onion


Oh my, we're reading the same book this semester! I just got my copy in the mail from the League for Yiddish :)