Unfortunately, given what has happened in the Netherlands since they legalised euthanasia, I can absolutely believe that people considered ‘economically unviable’ will be marched off to clinics be put down. Why else would austerity zealot Starmer be rushing through the legalisation of euthanasia?


hmm why wouldn't a free speech zealot want people interviewing his students about how they like their peterson academy coursework?

Here’s What I Saw Before I Got Expelled From Jordan Peterson’s Online “University”
Here’s What I Saw Before I Got Expelled From Jordan Peterson’s Online “University”

My fellow students were achingly sincere. But what, exactly, were we learning?


Streaming more Warhammer 40,000: #Darktide! Playing more of our cool Zealot character, and I'm more than down to squad up with viewers and friends! Plus we're still working on unlocking a few more FREE Steam key giveaways for this game via Dare Drop


Religious zealot.


...East to Bonny village and south to the Lamenter gaol. Another crucial aspect of Hornsent society is the rather obvious religious zealotry going on pretty much everywhere? Now, there's numerous accounts by shades and ghosts that the average Hornsent was probably not a bloodthirsty zealot.


Well, the whole article is an unfortunate choice of words. That's being generous - 'a torrent of bullshit' might be a fairer assessment. But I'm a net zero zealot who wants my civilisation to survive so 🤷.


Are you fucking kidding me? The only bibles to fit the crazy Christian zealot incel Oklahoma superintendent’s bible criteria is the TRUMP FUCKING BIBLE???? Peace out Christofederacy. Just secede already and set up your Trump cities. God I’ll be glad when this goddamn TV show we’re in ends.

Trump Bibles only ones in the world to meet new criteria for purchase by Oklahoma schools
Trump Bibles only ones in the world to meet new criteria for purchase by Oklahoma schools

Oklahoma is accepting bids to supply its Department of Education with 55,000 Bibles, but vendors can only find two versions that meet all the statutory requirements – and both of them happen to be end...


I hate Walbrurn so much little prick be nicer to Barcus gaddamn it he been through a lot to find you you little zealot r*cist also???? You r*cist prick? developers/writers did a great job making the most hated character ever


#inktober2024 04 EXOTIC Spotted though a battered pair of Relic binoculars, the zealot seemed out of place, exotic in his dirty white robes and mask. These men would kill without mercy and die without hesitation, promised paradise by the Prophet of the Setting Sun.